Now showing items 1-10 of 5021
Desenvolvimento motor de criança com paralisia cerebral: Avaliação e intervenção
The objective of this study was to analyze the motor development of a ten year old child with ataxic cerebral palsy and the effects of a motor activities program in the swimming pool. Motor development was measured according ...
Motor skills assessments: Support for a general motor factor for the movement assessment battery for children-2 and the bruininks-oseretsky test of motor proficiency-2Avaliação de habilidades motoras: Suporte a um fator motor geral para o Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 e o Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2
Objective: To evaluate the construct validity and model-based reliability of general and specific contributions of the subscales of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) and Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of ...
Desenvolvimento motor de criança com paralisia cerebral: Avaliação e intervenção
The objective of this study was to analyze the motor development of a ten year old child with ataxic cerebral palsy and the effects of a motor activities program in the swimming pool. Motor development was measured according ...
Preparation and validation of a questionnaire on initial motor skills for students in Chilean secondary education
Visual-motor integration problems in low birth weight infants
(Kluwer Academic/plenum PublNew YorkEUA, 2001)
Motor performance of students with learning difficulties
(Elsevier B.V., 2015-01-01)
This study aims to characterize and compare the motor performance of students with learning difficulties in relation to students with good academic performance. A total of 20 students were divided into: GI - 10 students ...
Motor development curve from 0 to 12 months in infants born preterm
Aim: To trace a reference curve for motor development from birth up to 12 months of corrected chronological age in infants born preterm and low birth weight. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 308 ...
Perfil do desenvolvimento motor de alunos de oito anos de escola publicas Estaduais de São Bento do Sul - SC
O desenvolvimento motor classifica-se como um processo de mudança sequencial no nível de funcionamento do indivíduo que engloba uma série de transformações em seu comportamento motor.
Objetivo: Traçar o perfil de ...
Perfil do desenvolvimento motor de alunos de oito anos de escola publicas Estaduais de São Bento do Sul - SC
O desenvolvimento motor classifica-se como um processo de mudança sequencial no nível de funcionamento do indivíduo que engloba uma série de transformações em seu comportamento motor.
Objetivo: Traçar o perfil de ...