Now showing items 1-10 of 42
Social Mission as Competitive Advantage: A Configurational Analysis of the Strategic Conditions of Social Entrepreneurship
In social entrepreneurship, social and economic missions co-exist in a tensioned balance. At times, business survival requires reprioritizing objectives, leading social entrepreneurs to drift away from social values in ...
Social Mission as Competitive Advantage: A Configurational Analysis of the Strategic Conditions of Social Entrepreneurship
In social entrepreneurship, social and economic missions co-exist in a tensioned balance. At times, business survival requires reprioritizing objectives, leading social entrepreneurs to drift away from social values in ...
Evitando Mission drift: o papel das aceleradoras na manutenção da lógica híbrida dos negócios de impacto social
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-03-27)
The interest by the social enterprises has been growing in recent decades, considering that these organizations represent a promising source for generating social, economic and financial value. However, as they ally social ...
Evitando Mission drift: o papel das aceleradoras na manutenção da lógica híbrida dos negócios de impacto social
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-03-27)
The interest by the social enterprises has been growing in recent decades, considering that these organizations represent a promising source for generating social, economic and financial value. However, as they ally social ...
Daytime ionospheric equatorial vertical drifts during the 2008–2009 extreme solar minimum
(American Geophysical Union, 2015-01-13)
One of the most interesting observations made by the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite mission was the detection of average equatorial ionospheric vertical drifts that largely differed ...
Bancos éticos: um estudo de caso sobre como a governança contribui para evitar o desvio da missão
A governança corporativa está diretamente relacionada ao esforço da gestão das empresas em garantir que os interesses dos stakeholders sejam atendidos. Quando os interesses de stakeholders externos à empresa estão diretamente ...
Land Intercalibration and Drift Monitoring of MWR Radiometer on Board SAC-D/Aquarius
(Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers, 2015-06)
The microwave radiometer (MWR) on board the SAC-D/Aquarius mission is a Dicke radiometer operating at 23.8 (H-Pol) and 36.5 GHz (H/V-Pol), which can provide ancillary data for the various retrievals to be performed with ...
Hijacked by hope: Dynamics of mission drift and identity dilution in a nonprofit organizationSecuestrado por la esperanza: Dinámicas de disolución identitaria y desviación de la misión en una organización sin fines de lucroSequestrado pela esperança: Dinâmicas de desvio da missão e dissolução de identidade em uma organização sem fins lucrativos
(RAE - Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRAE - Revista de Administração de EmpresasRAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2021)
Permanent Magnet Hall Thruster for satellite orbit raising with low power energy consumption
Electric propulsion is now a succeful method for primary propulsion of deep space long duration missions and for geosyncronous satellite attitude control. Closed Drift Thruster, so called Hall Thruster or SPT (Stationary ...
Permanent Magnet Hall Thruster for satellite orbit raising with low power energy consumption
Electric propulsion is now a succeful method for primary propulsion of deep space long duration missions and for geosyncronous satellite attitude control. Closed Drift Thruster, so called Hall Thruster or SPT (Stationary ...