Now showing items 1-10 of 189
CHSMST+: An algorithm for spatial clustering
Spatial clustering has been widely studied due to its application in several areas. However, the algorithms of such technique still need to overcome several challenges to achieve satisfactory results on a timely basis. ...
CHSMST plus : An Algorithm for Spatial Clustering
(Ieee, 2016-01-01)
Spatial clustering has been widely studied due to its application in several areas. However, the algorithms of such technique still need to overcome several challenges to achieve satisfactory results on a timely basis. ...
On exact solutions for the Minmax Regret Spanning Tree problem
Minimum Spanning Tree Cycle Intersection problem
(Elsevier Science, 2021-05)
Consider a connected graph G and let T be a spanning tree of G. Every edge e∈G−T induces a cycle in T∪{e}. The intersection of two distinct such cycles is the set of edges of T that belong to both cycles. We consider the ...
On sorting, heaps, and minimum spanning trees
(SPRINGER, 2010)
Desenvolvimento de metaheurísticas para o problema da árvore geradora mínima generalizado
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREngenharia de ProduçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, 2008-03-20)
The generalized minimum spanning tree problem is present in several situations of the real world, such as in the context of the telecommunications, transports and grouping of data, where a net of necessary clusters to be ...
Algorithms for the power-p Steiner tree problem in the Euclidean plane
(Instituto de Informática - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018)