Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1945
Fragmentos de una historia del instituto Médico Nacional
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2009)
Medical ethnobotany of the Chayahuita of the Paranapura basin (Peruvian Amazon)
(Elsevier, 2013)
Up until now, the plant pharmacopoeia of the Chayahuita, an ethnic group from the Peruvian Amazon, has been poorly defined. This paper details the uses of medicinal plants within this community, as recorded in two villages ...
Use of medicinal plants in patients with chronic kidney disease from Peru
(Elsevier, 2019)
Objective: To describe the use of medicinal plants in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in public healthcare centers in Peru. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in patients with CKD in healthcare centers ...
Plantas medicinales del Distrito de Ocotlán, Oaxaca
(Anales del Instituto de Biología serie Botánica, 2009)
The role of individuals in the resilience of local medical systems based on the use of medicinal plants – a hypothesis
(Ethnobiology and Conservation, 2013-05)
Some studies in the field of ethnobiology investigate the knowledge and use of biological resources, especially medicinal plants, to infer the resilience of local medical systems. However, little is known about the ...
Medicinal Plants for Rich People vs. Medicinal Plants for Poor People: A Case Study from the Peruvian Andes
(MDPISuiza, 2021-08-09)
Traditional knowledge (TK) of medicinal plants in cities has been poorly studied across different inhabitants’ socioeconomic sectors. We studied the small city of Chachapoyas (~34,000 inhabitants) in the northern Peruvian ...
Plants from Solanaceae family with possible anxiolytic effect reported on 19(th) century's Brazilian medical journal
(Soc Brasileira Farmacognosia, 2011-07-01)
In the beginning of the 19(th) century, the first Brazilian scientific knowledge journal on medicinal plants the Gazetas Medicas was launch reporting Brazilian medicinal plants belonging to several botanical families. the ...
Controle de qualidade da raiz de Operculina macrocarpa (Linn) Urb., Convolvulaceae
Considering the quality of the phytotherapic agents, it is important to point out that it includes rigorous attendance of the different steps of the development and production of these products, from the collection of the ...
Plantas medicinales, aromáticas o venenosas de Cuba
(Instituto del Libro, La Habana, 1974)
Se brinda información acerca de nuestras plantas medicinales o venenosas; con vistas a proporcionar a los estudiantes de Botánica, Farmacia, Medicina, Agronomía y Veterinaria una fuente de consulta; estimular a nuestros ...
Occurrence and enumeration of Campylobacter spp. during the processing of Chilean broilers
Background. Thermotolerant Campylobacter is among the more prevalent bacterial pathogens that cause foodborne diseases. This study aimed at evaluating the occurrence of thermotolerant Campylobacter contamination in chicken ...