Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2616
Experiencing Manipulative Material for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
(Unesp-dept Mathematica, 2011-01-01)
This paper presents some outcomes from research based on classroom experiences. The main themes are the use of mirrors, kaleidoscopes, dynamic geometry software, and manipulative material considering their possibilities ...
Experiencing Manipulative Material for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
(Unesp-dept Mathematica, 2015)
Experiencing Manipulative Material for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
(Unesp-dept Mathematica, 2015)
Números Fraccionarios
(Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2019)
Estrategias con material didáctico manipulable para el aprendizaje en niños y niñas de Educación Inicial de 3 años de la Institución Educativa Particular “San Judas Tadeo” de Los Olivos, 2017
(Universidad Católica Sedes SapientiaePE, 2018)
La presente investigación partió del interés por mejorar el aprendizaje en niños y niñas de Educación Inicial. Por ello, se implementó un programa de estrategias utilizando material didáctico manipulable y se formuló la ...
Mesoporous Thin Films for Fluid Manipulation
(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2017-12)
The ability to control nanoflows is critical to design and fabricate ever more versatile nanosystems. Scientists are currently interested in finding ways to handle fluid dynamics inside nanoporous networks, not only to ...
Optimization-based design of heat flux manipulation devices with emphasis on fabricability
(Nature Publishing Group, 2017-12)
In this work, we present a new method for the design of heat flux manipulating devices, with emphasis on their fabricability. The design is obtained as solution of a nonlinear optimization problem where the objective ...
O Princ??pio de Cavaliere e Aplica????es com Uso de Material Manipul??vel
(Instituto de Matem??tica. Departamento de Matem??tica.Mestrado Profissional em Matem??tica em Rede NacionalUFBAbrasil, 2017-06-02)
False messages about the coronavirus: legitimacy and manipulation in the class struggle
(Centro Int Estudios Superiores Comunicacion Amer Latina-ciespal, 2021-08-01)
This paper aims to analyze the first false messages composition on the new coronavirus and Covid-19 that circulated in Brazil. The analysis problematize the relationships between form and content that give legitimacy to ...
Sistema alimentador, reductor de estrés, para cerdos en desarrollo durante el proceso productivo de la porcicultora
(Universidad Católica de Pereira., 2011)