Now showing items 1-10 of 97
Low-carbon operations and production: putting training in perspective
The purpose of this paper is mainly to show how training may support low-carbon operations and production management in a more sustainable organizational context. Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual framework to ...
Sustentabilidade e competitividade na cadeia logística: redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa com o uso do modal de transporte cabotagem: estudo de caso
This work analyzes and propagates the sustainability of cabotage transport in the logistics operation of a home appliances manufacturing company. The research method was a case study, unique and holistic, about cabotage ...
Maternal exposure to biomass smoke and carbon monoxide in relation to adverse pregnancy outcome in two high altitude cities of Peru
(Elsevier, 2014)
BACKGROUND: Exposure to pollution from biomass fuel has been associated with low birthweight in some studies. Few studies have included exposure-response analyses. METHOD: We conducted a case-control study of biomass fuel ...
Effect of different cover crops on C and N cycling in sorghum NT systems
In many no-till (NT) systems, residue input is low and fallow periods excessive, for which reasons soil degradation occurs. Cover crops could improve organic matter, biological activity, and soil structure. In order to ...
Maternal exposure to biomass smoke and carbon monoxide in relation to adverse pregnancy outcome in two high altitude cities of Peru
(Elsevier, 2014)
Exposure to pollution from biomass fuel has been associated with low birthweight in some studies. Few studies have included exposure-response analyses. We conducted a case-control study of biomass fuel use and reproductive ...
Configuração da rede de logística reversa de pneus inservíveis no estado de São Paulo
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP-So, 2015-03-20)
The increase in the municipal and industrial waste generation has caused enviromental and public health problems and as a consequence laws exist to address the issue. In Brazil, with the Federal Law No. 12,350 / 10 about ...
Determinación del impacto de la utilidad operativa en las pyme del sector de mensajería expresa cuando integran sus nodos de distribución bajo un esquema de colaboración
(Universidad de La SabanaMaestría en Diseño y Gestión de ProcesosFacultad de Ingeniería, 2018-03-02)
El sector de la Mensajería expresa es regulado por el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, este sector ha venido desarrollándose desde su comienzo en Colombia de manera dinámica debido a las ...
Mobility of human populations in the Curi Leuvú basin, Northwest Patagonia, during the Holocene: An approach based on oxygen isotopes
(Elsevier, 2020-12)
The Curi Leuvú basin, in the northwest of Patagonia, had a central role for the indigenous groups that inhabited the region during the Holocene. The area has access to critical resources such as water throughout the year ...