Now showing items 1-10 of 81089
Red Light Stimulates Feeding Motivation in Fish but Does Not Improve Growth
Nile tilapia fish were individually reared under similar light levels for 8 weeks under five colored light spectra (maximum wavelength absorbance): white (full light spectrum), blue (~452 nm), green (~516 nm), yellow (~520 ...
Red Light Stimulates Feeding Motivation in Fish but Does Not Improve Growth
Nile tilapia fish were individually reared under similar light levels for 8 weeks under five colored light spectra (maximum wavelength absorbance): white (full light spectrum), blue (~452 nm), green (~516 nm), yellow (~520 ...
Behavior of broilers reared under monochromatic and fluorescent light sources
The study aimed to evaluate the behavior of broiler chickens reared in the blue and red light emitting diode (LED), using a fluorescent light as a control. The bird behaviors were recorded at 28, 35 and 42 d of grow-out ...
Lighting pollution, the benefit/cost approach
(Znack Publishing House, 2002-05)
One of the urban lighting objectives is to extend people’s activities during night. In this case lighting is linked with functions as visibility, safety, security and visual
appearance of the surroundings. Considering ...
Photopolymerization devises light intensity relation with physical translucid barriers use
Nowadays, the use of halogen or light emission diode (LED) devices in dental attention is constant for almost any oral treatment. The need of providing an adequate light intensity for a correct photopolymerization ...
Correspondence: In support of the IES method of evaluating light source colour rendition
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2015-12)
The IES method for evaluating light source color renditionhas the potential to improve how light source spectra are designed and evaluated. The method builds upon decades of color science, amalgamated to create a rational ...
Three generations of luminous devices: a comparison in search of energy efficiency and ecologyca re
(4th International Congress on Alternative Energies, 2013-10-15)
ln this work a comparison is made between three generations of luminous devices, in order to have a quantitative estimation about the advantages of the new technologies on illumination sources based on Light Emitting Oiodes ...
Zapf Office System
Planos copia de: Support light 5FT ZTL3 with shelf - Support light 6PT TL3 under OHS - Hanger light for Zapf task lighting ZFL 1 & 2 30” - Body liner W/ light clips for Zapf shelf light - Plate end liner Zapf light shelf ...