Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Probióticos para leitões lactentes e na fase de creche
(Botucatu, 2010)
Leitões lactentes e desmamados alimentados com dietas farelada ou extrusada seca e umida
This work was conducted throughout three phases of swine's growth (7 days from birth till the weaning age; from weaning until 7 days later and from 8 to 21 days after weaning); taking as objective the evaluation of the ...
Probióticos para leitões lactentes e na fase de creche
Two experiments (E) were conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementation of probiotics for suckling and weaned piglets in a randomized block design. In the E1, 38 suckling litters were distributed among two treatments: ...
Prognostic value of thumb pain sensation in birth brachial plexopathy
Objective: To evaluate the prognostic value of absent thumb pain sensation in newborns and young infants with birth brachial plexopathy. Methods: We evaluated 131 patients with birth brachial plexopathy with less than two ...