Now showing items 1-10 of 231
Existence and approximation for variational problems under uniform constraints on the gradient by power penalty
(SIAM Publications, 2015)
Variational problems under uniform quasi-convex constraints on the gradient are studied. Our
technique consists in approximating the original problem by a one-parameter family of smooth
unconstrained optimization problems. ...
Uma demonstração do teorema fundamental da álgebra
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional - PROFMATCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-10-21)
In this work we explain an elegant and accessible proof of the Fundamental Theorem of
Algebra using the Lagrange Multipliers method.
We believe this will be a valuable resource not only to Mathematics students, but
also ...
Determination of Natural Frequencies of Multilayered Plates by Mixed Finite Elements
(Universidad de Belgrano - Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnología Informática - Proyectos de Investigación, 2014)
Natural frequencies for multilayer plates are calculated by mixed finite element method. The main object of this paper is to
use the mixed model for multilayer plates, analyzing each layer as an isolated plate, where the ...
Influence of the Operational Constraints in the Active Transmission Losses Allocation via Lagrange Multipliers
This paper presents an approach for the active transmission losses allocation between the agents of the system. The approach uses the primal and dual variable information of the Optimal Power Flow in the losses allocation ...
Application of a meshless method in electromagnetics
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2001-09-01)
An improved meshless method is presented with an emphasis on the detailed description of this new computational technique and its numerical implementations by investigating the usefulness of a commonly neglected parameter ...
Application of a meshless method in electromagnetics
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2001-09-01)
An improved meshless method is presented with an emphasis on the detailed description of this new computational technique and its numerical implementations by investigating the usefulness of a commonly neglected parameter ...