Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Intracranial and systemic atherosclerosis in the NAVIGATE ESUS trial: Recurrent stroke risk and response to antithrombotic therapy
Non-stenotic intracranial and systemic atherosclerosis are associated with ischemic stroke. We report frequency and response to anticoagulant vs. antiplatelet prophylaxis of patients with embolic stroke of undetermined ...
The Association Between Pineal Gland Calcification And Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease In Older Adults.
(Sociedad Médica Ecuatoriana de Neurología, 2021)
Intracranial Atherosclerosis And The Earlobe Crease (Frank’s Sign). A Population Study.
(Sociedad Médica Ecuatoriana de Neurología, 2018)
Intracranial atherosclerotic disease and severe tooth loss and in community-dwelling older adults.
(Sociedad Médica Ecuatoriana de Neurología, 2020)
The Utility Of Earlobe Crease For The Detection Of Sub-Clinical Atherosclerosis.
(Sociedad Médica Ecuatoriana de Neurología, 2020)
Prevalencia de la ateromatosis carotídea en pacientes con enfermedad cerebro vascular oclusiva
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2001)
Vorapaxar in the Secondary Prevention of Atherothrombotic Events
BACKGROUND Thrombin potently activates platelets through the protease-activated receptor PAR-1. Vorapaxar is a novel antiplatelet agent that selectively inhibits the cellular actions of thrombin through antagonism of PAR-1. ...
Doença vestibular central por infarto isquêmico secundário a hipotireoidismo em cão
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2017)