Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Lipase-catalyzed regioselective preparation of fatty acid esters of hydrocortisone
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2009-11)
A series of fatty acid derivatives of hydrocortisone has been prepared by an enzymatic methodology. Nine 21-monoacyl products and one 3,11,17-triacetyl derivative, nine of them novel compounds, were obtained in a highly ...
Stress response at different ages of weaning in cattle
(Infogain Publication, 2019-02)
Weaning is an inherent husbandry practice in cow-calf beef production systems that impose physical, psychological, and nutritional stressors on calves. In order to characterize the main stressors and corresponding stress ...
Impact of Adrenaline or Cortisol Injection on Meat Quality Development of Merino Hoggets
Increased levels of stress hormones in the muscle could lead to post mortem metabolic/structural modifications that could be reflected on meat quality. The present study investigated the metabolic effect of either adrenaline ...
A Novel Mechanism of Modulation of 5-HT3A Receptors by Hydrocortisone
(Cell Press, 2011-01)
Modulation of Cys-loop receptors by steroids is of physiological and therapeutical relevance. Nonetheless, its molecular mechanism has not been elucidated for serotonin (5-HT) type 3 receptors. We deciphered the mechanism ...
Identification of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in adrenal glands biopsies of two patients with paracoccidioidomycosis and adrenal insufficiency
(Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de MedicinaMicología Médica y ExperimentalSao Paulo, Brasil, 2022)
Adrenal function status in patients with Paracoccidioidomycosis after prolongued post-therapy follow-up
(American Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneMicología Médica y ExperimentalBaltimore, Estados Unidos, 2021)
Urinary Excretion of 17- ketosteroids and 17-21 Dihydroxy -20- ketosteroids in Native Sea Level and HeightLa Excreción Urinaria de 17-Cetoesteroides y 17-21 Dihidroxi-20-Cetoesteroides en Nativos del Nivel del Mar y de la Altura
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 1961)
Niveles de cortisol en fibra de Mohair: una evaluación retrospectiva de estrés en cabras Angora
(Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal, 2022-11)
El cortisol es la principal hormona involucrada en la respuesta a estrés y se puede evaluar en diferentes tipos de muestra como sangre, saliva, orina y heces. Recientemente, el cortisol capilar se comenzó a utilizar como ...
Grazing diverse combinations of tanniferous and nontanniferous legumes: implications for foraging behavior, performance, and hair cortisol in beef cattle
(American Society of Animal Science, 2021-10-17)
A diversity of forages with different types and concentrations of nutrients and plant secondary compounds may lead to complementary relationships that enhance cattle performance and welfare. We determined whether grazing ...
Evaluación del bienestar en vacas en un sistema de ordeñe automatizado durante la época estival. Estudio de caso
Treinta y siete vaquillonas fueron alojadas en un corral con acceso a un tambo robotizado. Poseían sombras de red en el comedero y en los lugares de descanso. Desde las 18:00 hs hasta las 08:00 hs tenían acceso a una ...