Now showing items 1-10 of 109
¿Por qué no se debe fumar en el lugar de trabajo?
(Medicina (Buenos Aires), 2005-06)
Right-wing opposition to the mainstream radical right: the cases of Hungary and Poland
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021-07)
The aim of this article is to compare the role played by radical right and right wing parties in opposition to the mainstream radical right wing governments in Hungary and Poland. We analyse the role developed by the parties ...
The flagellar photoresponse in Volvox species (Volvocaceae, Chlorophyceae)
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2011-06)
Steering their swimming direction toward the light is crucial for the viability of Volvox colonies, the larger members of the volvocine algae. While it is known that this phototactic steering is achieved by a difference ...
The Press and Classical Populism in Argentina and Brazil
(SAGE Publications, 2018-05)
Una comparación de las políticas relativas a la prensa por parte de los gobiernos populistas clásicos de Argentina y Brasil muestra que las élites populistas entraron en conflicto con las élites de los medios tradicionales. ...
Why do trees adjust water relations and hydraulic architecture in response to nutrient availability?
(Oxford University Press, 2013-03)
Studies on water relations, hydraulic architecture and effects of nutrients on growth in trees have been studied for many years in relative isolation. Only recently the functional relations of these groups of plant traits ...
Factores ambientales que modulan la fenología foliar de árboles del Bosque Atlántico
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2020-12)
La fenología foliar responde de manera sensible a distintas señales ambientales. La coordinación entre las fases fenológicas y estas señales le permite a las especies ajustar el momento óptimo para expandir sus hojas y ...
Populismo y nativismo en las derechas radicales de Polonia: Entre el pasado y el presentePopulism and nativism in the radical right in poland: Between the past and the present
(Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Escuela de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, 2022-01)
La propuesta consistió en explicar el éxito de las derechas populistas radicales en Polonia desde dos perspectivas. La primera considera aspectos históricos y culturales, el desarrollo del antisemitismo y la constitución ...
Therapeutic strategies to protect the central nervous system against shiga toxin from enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2020-02)
Infection with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) may cause hemorrhagic colitis, hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and encephalopathy. The mortality rate derived from HUS adds up to 5% of the cases, and up to 40% ...
Seed limitation of woody plants in Neotropical savannas
(Springer, 2012-02)
The failure of seeds to arrive at all suitable sites (seed limitation) greatly affects plant distribution and abundance. In contrast to tropical forests, the degree of seed limitation in Neotropical savannas is unclear ...