Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Bayesian calibration under a student-t model
In this paper we consider linear calibration problems in regressions models with independent errors distributed according to the Student-t distribution. The approach followed is Bayesian, thus, involving the need for the ...
Bayesian inference for the pairwise probability of agreement using data from several measurement systems
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2021)
This article deals with Bayesian inference in the comparison of measurement systems. Agreement between two systems can be evaluated using data from several measurement systems and using only data from the two systems being ...
Bayesian inference for skew-normal linear mixed models
Linear mixed models (LMM) are frequently used to analyze repeated measures data, because they are more flexible to modelling the correlation within-subject, often present in this type of data. The most popular LMM for ...
A unified approach to conjoint analysis models
We present a unified approach to conjoint analysis models using a Bayesian framework. One data source is used to form a prior distribution for the partworths, whereas full-profile evaluations under a rating scale, ranking, ...
Bayesian analysis of the calibration problem under elliptical distributions
In this paper we discuss calibration problems under dependent and independent elliptical family of distributions. In the dependent case, it is shown that the posterior distribution of the quantity of interest is robust ...
The Polya Tree Sampler: Toward Efficient and Automatic Independent Metropolis-Hastings Proposals
We present a simple, efficient, and computationally cheap sampling method for exploring an unnormalized multivariate density on R-d, such as a posterior density, called the Polya tree sampler. The algorithm constructs an ...
Bayesian multivariate nonlinear mixed models for censored longitudinal trajectories with non-monotone missing values
(Sringer Heidelberg, 2023)
The analysis of multivariate longitudinal data may often encounter a difficult task, particularly in the presence of censored measurements induced by detection limits and intermittently missing values arising when subjects ...