Now showing items 1-10 of 312
Minimal heteroclinics for a class of fourth order ODE systems
(Elsevier, 2018-08)
We prove the existence of minimal heteroclinic orbits for a class of fourth order O.D.E. systems with variational structure. In our general set-up, the set of equilibria of these systems is a union of manifolds, and the ...
Recursive properties of generalized ordinary differential equations and applications
The aim of this paper is to obtain results on topological properties of flows for nonnegative time in the framework of generalized ODEs. We define the concept of generalized semiflow and we present some recursive properties ...
Applications of topological degree theory to generalized ODEs
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática - PPGMCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-10-27)
In this work, we present original results concerning the theory of Generalized Ordinary Differential Equations (we write generalized ODEs for short) using tools from the Topological Degree theory. In particular, we proved ...
Lipschitz stability of generalized ordinary differential equations and impulsive retarded differential equations
We consider a class of retarded functional differential equations with preas-signed moments of impulsive effect and we study the Lipschitz stability of solutions of these equations using the theory of generalized ordinary ...
Significación y relación músicapalabra en la obra de Fartein Valen (1887-1952): un análisis semiótico de Ode til ensomheten, Op. 35
En 1938 el compositor noruego Fartein Valen (1887-1952) abandona la agitada escena musical
de Oslo para asentarse en su finca familiar en Valevåg, convirtiéndose el año de 1939 en el más
prolífico de su carrera. Pese a ...
Comparative study of variational chaos indicators and ODEs' numerical integrators (review)
(World Scientific, 2012-10)
The reader can find in the literature a lot of different techniques to study the dynamics of a given system and also, many suitable numerical integrators to compute them. Notwithstanding the recent work of Maffione et al. ...
Continuous dependence on parameters
This chapter aims to investigate the results on continuous dependence on parameters for generalized ordinary differential equations (ODEs) taking values in a Banach space. It includes a new result on the convergence of ...
Topological dynamics
This chapter is dedicated to the study of semidynamical systems generated by generalized ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Besides the existence of a local semidynamical system, it shows the existence of an associated ...