Now showing items 1-10 of 116
Changes in the microbial community during bioremediation of gasoline-contaminated soil
(Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2017)
Isolation and Characterization of Gasoline-Degrading Yeasts from Refined Oil-Contaminated Residues
(OMICS International, 2022)
Aerobic biodegradation of butanol and gasoline blends
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2009)
Utilization of solar energy in the photodegradation of gasoline in water and of oil-field-produced water
(ACS Publications, 2004-05-28)
Isolation and Characterization of Gasoline-Degrading Yeasts from Refined Oil-Contaminated Residues
(OMICS International, 2014)
Biodiesel CO2 emissions: A comparison with the main fuels in the Brazilian market
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-02-01)
The use of biodiesel is increasing as an attractive fuel due to the depleting fossil fuel resources and environmental degradation. This paper presents results of an investigation on the potentials of biodiesel as an ...
Biodiesel CO2 emissions: A comparison with the main fuels in the Brazilian market
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-02-01)
The use of biodiesel is increasing as an attractive fuel due to the depleting fossil fuel resources and environmental degradation. This paper presents results of an investigation on the potentials of biodiesel as an ...
Biodiesel CO2 emissions: A comparison with the main fuels in the Brazilian market
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Geophysical and Structural Survey in the Diagnosis of Leaks at a Fuel Station in a Uranium Mine in Decommissioning Phase (Poços de Caldas, Brazil)
Mining enterprises are, in essence, landscape modifiers and sources of long-term environmental degradation. The development of activities within the mines requires a complex logistical system for better functioning. It is ...