Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Reusing groupware applications
Many groupware applications have been developed and continue being developed over white-box groupware platforms. These platforms have brought important contributions to the development of groupware systems. However, the ...
Designing the communications infrastructure of groupware systems
In the development of groupware systems a well designed
communications infrastructure is required, due to the high complexity of the
communication scenario. Also, the design and implementation of coordination
and ...
Groupware: Issues and applications
Groupware system design and the context concept
The concept of context can be advantageously applied to the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work field. The term awareness has traditionally been used in this area without explicit association to context. This paper attempts ...
Desarrollo basado en modelos de la interfaz de usuario de sistemas groupware
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia -Sede Medellín, 2009)
En este artículo presentamos una propuesta para el desarrollo de la interfaz de usuario. Esta propuesta apoya el diseño de la interfaz de usuario de aplicaciones groupware que permite la integración con los procesos de ...
Sharing information resources in mobile ad-hoc networks
Many people are sharing digital resources through networks in order
to facilitate, enhance or improve collaborative work. Information sharing is not
only important to support collaborative work but it also represents the ...
Towards formal evaluation of collaborative work
Introduction. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) projects are difficult to evaluate when implemented at most organizations. There are many variables and some of these are qualitative and hard to assess. However, ...
Common context for decisions and their implementations
(SPRINGER, 2006-05)
Decisions are frequently sent to implementers without the context that guided them. It should not be a surprise, then, that results are not as expected. The lack of supplementary information and a common context produces ...
High level MANET protocol: Enhancing the communication support for mobile collaborative work
(Elsevier, 2012-01)
Mobile collaborative activities involve on-demand interactions among nomad users. Unavailability of communication support in the physical scenario where users are located cannot be a limitation to carry out such collaboration ...
Modelado de procesos colaborativos extendiendo elementos de la notación HAMSTERS
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, 2015)
Existe gran número y variedad de procesos para alcanzar un determinado objetivo, sin embargo, una buena cantidad de ellos han sido concebidos para ser llevados a cabo en ambientes de trabajo individual. Por tal razón, desde ...