Now showing items 1-10 of 294
Discriminating climatological regimes in rainfall time series by using the Fisher-Shannon method
(Academic Journals, 2011-12)
The Fisher-Shannon (FS) information plane, defined by the Fisher information measure (FIM) and the Shannon entropy power (Nx), was robustly used to investigate the complex dynamics of 8 long monthly rainfall time series ...
Schrödinger link between nonequilibrium thermodynamics and Fisher information
(American Physical Society, 2002-10)
It is known that equilibrium thermodynamics can be deduced from a constrained Fisher information extemizing process. We show here that, more generally, both nonequilibrium and equilibrium thermodynamics can be obtained ...
Physical implications of Fisher-information's scaling symmetry
(Versita, 2012-04)
We study the scaling properties of Fisher's information measure (FIM) and show that from these one can straightforwardly deduce significant quantum-mechanical results. Specifically, we investigate the scaling properties ...
A quantum uncertainty relation based on Fisher's information
(IOP Publishing, 2011-02)
We explore quantum uncertainty relations involving the Fisher information functionals Ix and Ip evaluated, respectively, on a wavefunction Ψ(x) defined on a D-dimensional configuration space and the concomitant wavefunction ...
Inferring an optimal Fisher measure
(Elsevier Science, 2011-11)
It is well known that a suggestive relation exists that links the Schrödinger equation (SE) to the information-optimizing principle based on the Fisher information measure (FIM). We explore here an approach that will allow ...
Fisher information, the Hellmann–Feynman theorem, and the Jaynes reciprocity relations
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2011-10)
We explore intriguing links connecting Hellmann–Feynman’s theorem to a thermodynamics information-optimizing principle based on Fisher’s information measure.
Naudts-like duality and the extreme Fisher information principle
(American Physical Society, 2000-11)
We show that using Frieden and Soffer’s extreme information principle [Phys. Rev. E 52, 2274 (1995)] with a Fisher measure constructed with escort probabilities [C. Beck and F. Schlögel, Thermodynamics of Chaotic Systems ...
Causal Shannon-Fisher characterization of motor/imagery movements in EEG
(Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2018-09)
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is an electrophysiological monitoring method that allows us to glimpse the electrical activity of the brain. Neural oscillations patterns are perhaps the best salient feature of EEG as they ...
Noise versus chaos in a causal Fisher-Shannon plane
(Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos, 2015-04)
We revisit the Fisher-Shannon representation plane H × F, evaluated using the Bandt and Pompe recipe to assign a probability distribution to a time series. Several stochastic dynamical (noises with f −k , k ≥ 0, power ...
Cramér-Rao Bound Study of Multiple Scattering Effects in Target Localization
The target position information contained in scattering data is explored in the context of the scalar Helmholtz operator for the basic two-point scatterer system by means of the statistical estimation framework of the ...