Now showing items 1-10 of 5091
Analysis of exact linearization and aproximate feedback linearization techniques
(Brasil, 2011)
This paper presents a study of linear control systems based on exact feedback linearization and approximate feedback linearization. As exact feedback linearization is applied, a linear controller can perform the control ...
H ∞ state feedback control of discrete-time Markov jump linear systems through linear matrix inequalities
This paper addresses the H ∞ state-feedback control design problem of discretetime Markov jump linear systems. First, under the assumption that the Markov parameter is measured, the main contribution is on the LMI ...
LMI-based digital redesign of linear time-invariant systems with state-derivative feedback
A simple method for designing a digital state-derivative feedback gain and a feedforward gain such that the control law is equivalent to a known and adequate state feedback and feedforward control law of a digital redesigned ...
LMI-based digital redesign of linear time-invariant systems with state-derivative feedback
A simple method for designing a digital state-derivative feedback gain and a feedforward gain such that the control law is equivalent to a known and adequate state feedback and feedforward control law of a digital redesigned ...
Alocação de zeros aplicada a sistemas de controle via LMI
A systematic procedure of zero placement to design control systems is proposed. A state feedback controller with vector gain K is used to perform the pole placement. An estimator with vector gain L is also designed for ...
Alocação de zeros aplicada a sistemas de controle via LMI
A systematic procedure of zero placement to design control systems is proposed. A state feedback controller with vector gain K is used to perform the pole placement. An estimator with vector gain L is also designed for ...
Narrowband feedback for narrowband control of resonant and non-resonant vibration
This paper presents a simple feedback methodology that uses second order filters to control narrowband resonant and non-resonant vibration of a structural system. In particular, a single degree-of-freedom system is studied ...