Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2651
Usos do termo emoção na obra de B. F. Skinner
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2019)
Emotional intelligence and dance: a systematic review
In this review, the background to the construct of Emotional Intelligence and its more widely accepted perspectives are presented. The scientific literature on the relationship between dance and Emotional Intelligence was ...
Emotion Recognition in Never-Seen Languages Using a Novel Ensemble Method With Emotion Profiles
(IEEE, 2017-01)
Over the last years, researchers have addressed emotional state identification because it is an important issue to achieve more natural speech interactive systems. There are several theories that explain emotional ...
A novel approach to the creation of a labelling lexicon for improving emotion analysis in text
(Emerald Publishing, 2021)
A novel approach to the creation of a labelling lexicon for improving emotion analysis in text
(Emerald Publishing, 2021)
A Study on Persuasive Technologies: The Relationship between User Emotions, Trust and Persuasion
A successful persuasive technology is able to persuade people to change from one state to a more well known state. Therefore, to allow for a change, persuasive technology must be able to affect users’ emotion and make the ...
Emotion recognition in never-seen languages using a novel ensemble method with emotion profiles
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017-01)
Over the last years, researchers have addressed emotional state identification because it is an important issue to achieve more natural speech interactive systems. There are several theories that explain emotional ...
Childhood Trauma Is Predictive for Clinical Staging, Alcohol Consumption, and Emotional Symptoms in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer
Background: Traumatic events in childhood have been associated with the occurrence of anxiety and depression in adulthood. This relation has been investigated in patients with breast cancer; however, it has been little ...
Relatives' expressed emotion, distress and attributions in clinical high-risk and recent onset of psychosis
It has been well-demonstrated that Expressed Emotion (EE) in caregivers of schizophrenia patients is related to their illness attributions, but little is known about relatives' cognitive and emotional appraisals at early ...
Analyzing emotions in conceptual models verification tasks performed in online contests
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
Emotion research in the area of software engineering has gained significant attention. Mostly this research has been focused on understanding the role of emotions in software programming carried out within collaborative ...