Now showing items 1-10 of 12621
Pre-emergence herbicides affect seedling emergence of tropical forest tree species
Testing techniques to reduce weed infestation is a crucial step in developing direct tree seeding systems. The use of pre-emergence herbicides may be an alternative to manual weeding techniques, but so far, information on ...
Emergence of corn seedlings in different depths of sowingEmergencia de plântulas de milho em diferentes profundidades de semeadura
Proper planting is one of the factors which most influence crop yield, and the depth of seed deposition is of utmost importance. Variation in sowing depth provide the seeds with different contents of water in the soil for ...
(Univ Federal Vicosa, 2019-01-01)
Razor grass (Paspalum virgatum L.) is one weed that has gain importance because of its high seed production capability, mainly when pasture fields need to be renewed. Understanding seedling emergence behavior is crucial ...
Non-urgent patients in an Emergency Medical Service
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2004)
Improving service in an emergency department by designing the health production flow
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2019)
© The Author(s) 2019.Background: Most emergency departments have overcapacity with poor service measured by length of stay. We hypothesized that a formal design of the emergency department production flows will improve ...
Fever in children: parents' search for urgent and emergency services
(Abrasco-assoc Brasileira Pos-graduacao & Saude Coletiva, 2021-02-01)
The study analyses the understanding of parents or guardians of children aged zero to five years old about fever, the conduct and care for this condition, carried out in the urgent and emergency service. The qualitative ...
Ocular emergencies presenting to an emergency department in Central Spain from 2013 to 2018
Purpose: To determine the frequency of ocular conditions among patients presenting to an emergency department at a tertiary hospital in Spain. Methods: A retrospective, longitudinal analysis of all patients who presented ...
Interoperability and Information Brokers in Public Safety: An Approach toward Seamless Emergency Communications
(Universidad de Talca, 2011)
Alternative methods of maximizing the emergence of beet seeds
(Inst Federal Sul Minas Gerais-i Fsuldeminas, 2016-09-01)
Vegetable seeds are expensive products nowadays, therefore, it is necessary getting as much as possible from seed emergence. The adoption of techniques in order to maximize the emergence of seeds, such as osmotic conditioning ...
Project shelter, Part 2: Structural verification
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Escuela de Construccion Civil, 2019)
As part of the Fondef D09I1058 project, an emergency housing solution was developed and five prototypes constructed. The prototypes solved mechanical, thermal, water tightness and airtightness problems common to emergency ...