Now showing items 1-10 of 6528
Gestão democrática: os desafios encontrados no município de Maçambará - RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2016-08-08)
This paper addresses the democratic management, its implementation in the city of Maçambara / RS and the challenges faced by the Municipal Director of Education (DME). The objectives are to identify the challenges faced ...
Sistema de avaliação da educação básica: limites e possibilidades na gestão democrática
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2010-12-22)
Considering the growing valorization of the evaluations of the basic education,
it is necessary to contemplate in which way the democratic management in the
education can be indeed democratic, when it uses as instrument ...
Os desafios da gestão escolar democrática
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2018-11-30)
This paper aims understand the meaning that different segments of rural school of elementary education of the Santana do Livramento/RS city think on democratic management. The research is exploratory (YIN, 2015) proposed ...
University Education and the Essential Criteria of Democracy in Mexico
(Journal of Law and Criminal Justice, 2018)
(Organizacion Estados Iberoamericanos Educacion Ciencia & Cultura-oei, 2015-09-01)
This paper discusses the process of democratization of education management in Brazil, addressing the historical process, laws and documents that consolidate public policies governing its implementation. Dedicated also to ...
La Salle University Educational Project (LUEP)
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 2008)
Librillo 31. La Salle University Educational Project (LUEP)
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 2008)
The territorial pedagogical experimentation and the democratization of the educational system. Lessons from the Rural Education Experimental Plan of San Carlos (1944-1947) La experimentación pedagógica territorial y la democratización del sistema educativ
(Fundacao Cesgranrio, 2019)
A democratizing and decentralized experience of educational change based on experimental education is analyzed. This experience integrated training, cultural and health aspects, the participation of the community and the ...