Now showing items 1-10 of 2894
Analysis of the influence of Taiwan’s Economic Model (1953-1983) in the planning of the national strategy for the change of the ecuadorian productive matrix (2015-2017) from an economic growth perspective
(PUCE-Quito, 2018-12-04)
Due to its structural dependence on primary resources and therefore, to a situation of
unequal exchange, the Ecuadorian economy has been subordinated to external factors such as
global competition that has stagnated ...
Desenvolvimento econômico e crise estrutural no Brasil (1950-2014)
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNCiências Econômicas, 2015-12-08)
This quantitative and qualitative research aimed to study the changes occurred in the Brazilian productive structure and Brazilian foreign trade from 1950 to 2014, from the interventionist and liberal models adopted in the ...
A new institutional approach to economic growth
(Universidad EAFITEconomíaEscuela de Economía y Finanzas. Departamento de Economía., 2013)
La inversión extranjera directa en el ecuador durante el periodo 1979-2011: análisis de su incidencia en el crecimiento económico
According to Economic Theory, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) can bring significant benefits to the receiving country because of the transfer of best adminstrative and technological practices from the investor countries. ...
Social progress, democracy, and economic growth a case study of Ecuador
(Quito: USFQ, 2016, 2016)
Crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento sustentável: análise comparativa dos impactos ambientais entre os países que compõem o BRICS
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEconomía, 2021-01-05)
The issue of incompatibility between economic growth and the preservation of natural resources was highlighted in the 1970s, in a scenario of economic crisis, growing social inequality and with the growing acceptance of ...
En qué medida contribuye la profundidad financiera en la tasa de crecimiento económico? evidencia empírica para la economía ecuatoriana en el periodo 2000 - 2018
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2021-03-02)
This research examines the role of the development of the financial system on
Ecuador's economic growth during the period 2000 - 2018. According to the literature,
financial markets are a key factor in triggering strong ...
Revisión de literatura : una visión teórica de la relación entre el emprendimiento y el crecimiento económico
(Universidad EAFITEconomíaEscuela de Economía y Finanzas. Departamento de Economía.Medellín, 2022)
This work aims to explain the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth through a literature review, exposing the theories of several economists, the role of institutions and the causes and consequences of ...
La interacción entre libertad económica y la corrupción sobre el crecimiento económico. Evidencia empírica para América Latina, periodo 1996-2015
The purpose of the follow study is to analyze the impact of the corruption in economic growth adjusted for the economic freedom´s effect, for a sample of 14 countries of Latin America, during the period between 1996-2015. ...