Now showing items 1-10 of 241
Automatic generation of ETL processes from conceptual models
Data warehouses (DW) integrate different data sources in order to give a multidimensional view of them to the decision-maker. To this aim, the ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Load) processes are responsible for extracting ...
Measures for ETL processes models in data warehouses
processes take charge of extracting the data from data sources that would be contained in the data warehouse. Due to their relevance, the quality of these processes should be formally assessed since the early stages of ...
Modelling ETL processes of data warehouses with UML activity diagrams
Extraction-transformation-loading (ETL) processes play an important role in a data warehouse (DW) architecture because they are responsible of integrating data from heterogeneous data sources into the DW repository. ...
Definición y validación de medidas para procesos ETL en almacenes de datos
In data warehousing, ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processes are in charge of extracting the data from data sources that will be contained in the data warehouse. Due to their relevance, the quality of these processes ...
Projeto e implementação de subsistema para agendamento, execução e monitoramento de processos ETL
(DSI - Departamento de Sistema de Informação – Itabaiana - PresencialUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2017)
A family of experiments to validate measures for UML activity diagrams of ETL processes in data warehouses
In data warehousing, Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes are in charge of extracting the data from the data sources that will be contained in the data warehouse. Their design and maintenance is thus a cornerstone ...
ETL4NoSQL: um framework programável para extração, transformação e carga de banco de dados NoSQL
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Ciencia da Computacao, 2019)
Intuitive: modelo conceitual para workflows de ETL
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCCCâmpus São Carlos, 2020-09-09)
The information domain is seen as a competitive differential in the most varied business areas, such as health, agribusiness, telecommunications, logistics, and government agencies. The correct and updated information is ...