Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Especies exóticas invasoras (EEI) en Argentina: categorización de mamíferos invasores y alternativas de manejo
(Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos, 2016-01)
Las especies exóticas invasoras (EEI) son la segunda causa responsable de pérdida de biodiversidad a nivel mundial dado que afectan a las especies autóctonas y a la estructura y funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. En ...
Aves da Estação Ecológica de Itirapina, estado de São Paulo, Brasil
(Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESP, 2008)
O cerrado é um dos biomas mais ameaçados no mundo, apresentando algumas das maiores taxas de destruição causadas principalmente pela agropecuária. Poucos estudos têm avaliado a diversidade local de aves no cerrado, ...
Population size of threatened and endemic birds of the Cerrado in Estacao Ecologica de Itirapina, a fragmented area in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil
The pressures for land use change have led to an increasing isolation of habitat remnants throughout the world. The goal of this study was to estimate the population size and density of some endemic and threatened species ...
Fast nonlinear region localisation for nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy of biological suspensions
(Elsevier Science, 2013-06)
The nonlinear properties of biological suspensions have been previously presented as a bulk phenomenon without the influences of the electrodes. However, some authors have showed that the behaviour of a biological suspension ...
Electrochemical-fractal model versus randles model: a discussion about diffusion process
(Electrochemical Science Group, 2015-07)
This paper presents an integral electrical model (IEM) of an electrode-electrolyte interface (EEI), which integrates geometrical and electrochemical aspects. It includes the diffusion of ionic species onto the electrode, ...
Especies exóticas invasoras: un reto para la humanidad
Se compendia información acerca de las llamadas especies exóticas invasoras (EEI) y cómo Cuba con el proyecto Mejorando la Prevención Control y Manejo de Especies Exóticas Invasoras en Ecosistemas Vulnerables en ...
Effects of elastic indenter deformation on spherical instrumented indentation tests: the reduced elastic modulus
Although the Hertz theory is not applicable in the analysis of the indentation of elastic-plastic materials, it is common practice to incorporate the concept of indenter/specimen combined modulus to consider indenter ...