Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Different Messages are Transmitted by Individual Duet Contributions and Complete Duets in a Species with Highly Overlapped Duets
Background: Duet function hypotheses have been mostly studied in bird species that produce duets with male and female solo songs. However, in order to understand if patterns of duet function are similar across all duetting ...
Description of the acoustical interaction and synchronization between duetters of the Large-footed Finch (Pezopetes capitalis)
Duets are highly coordinated acoustical displays produced by two individuals. Studying the structure of duet songs and its causes is essential to understand the ecological role and evolution of this form of communication. ...
Frequency and synchronisation features of a highly overlapped duet changes according to the context
Territorial defence and maintaining contact are two hypotheses of duet functions. Nevertheless, the acoustic characteristics of duets in these contexts have been poorly quantified. This work aimed to compare the spectrotemporal ...
Intruder familiarity and not duet similarity influences the territory defense in a year-round territorial bird species
To avoid unnecessary energy expenditures in territorial defense, many species (e.g., insects, amphibians, birds, and mammals) have developed the capability to distinguish between different intruder types using visual, ...
Transmission characteristics of solo songs and duets in a neotropical thicket habitat specialist bird
The Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis posits that habitat characteristics influence the structure of animal vocalizations and that animals will vocalize and display behaviours optimized for sound transmission. White-eared ...
Geographic variation in the duets of the Rufous-naped Wren (Campylorhynchus rufinucha) complex
Acoustic signals used in animal communication play a key role in mate attraction, species recognition, and territory defense. Variation in acoustic signals may reflect population structure, lack of gene flow, and phylogenetic ...
Descripción acústica del dueto de Pezopetes capitalis, un ave endémica de Costa Rica y el Oeste de Panamá
Los duetos han sido estudiados ampliamente y sus funciones varían entre especies, sin embargo en todos los casos, la sincronía temporal de los elementos cantados por cada individuo de la pareja parece tener un papel ...
Historia natural y repertorio acústico del Sancuinclas (Pezopetes capitalis), ave endémica de Costa Rica y el oeste de PanamáNATURAL HISTORY AND ACOUSTIC REPERTOIRE OF THELARGE-FOOTED FINCH (PEZOPETES CAPITALIS), AN ENDEMIC, HIGHLAND BIRD OF COSTA RICA AND WESTERN PANAMA
El Sancuinclas es una especie endémica y un habi- tante común del sotobosque de bosques montanos y páramo en las tierras altas de Costa Rica y el oeste de Panamá. A pesar de ser una especie común, existía poca información ...
Evaluación de la calidad de vaina y producción de grano en vainica arbustiva (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en Alajuela, Costa RicaAssessment of pod quality and grain yield of bush type string-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Alajuela, Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 1992)
En Alajuela, Costa Rica se evaluó del 26 de setiembre al 21 de diciembre de 1986 la rapidez, apariencia de las vainas, producción de grano seco y facilidad de desgrane, en ocho variedades comerciales de vainica (Phaseolus ...