Now showing items 1-10 of 51186
Imposing Radiality Constraints in Distribution System Optimization Problems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012-02-01)
Distribution systems commonly operate with a radial topology, so all models of optimization problems in these distribution systems should consider radiality in their formulation. This work presents a literature review, a ...
Analysis of the radial operation of distribution systems considering operation with minimal losses
(Elsevier B.V., 2015-05-01)
Electric power distribution systems, and particularly those with overhead circuits, operate radially but as the topology of the systems is meshed, therefore a set of circuits needs to be disconnected. In this context the ...
Distribution system restoration in a DG environment using a heuristic constructive multi-start algorithm
This paper proposes a heuristic constructive multi-start algorithm (HCMA) to distribution system restoration in real time considering distributed generators installed in the system. The problem is modeled as nonlinear mixed ...
Distribution system restoration in a DG environment using a heuristic constructive multi-start algorithm
This paper proposes a heuristic constructive multi-start algorithm (HCMA) to distribution system restoration in real time considering distributed generators installed in the system. The problem is modeled as nonlinear mixed ...
Imposing Radiality Constraints in Distribution System Optimization Problems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012-02-01)
Distribution systems commonly operate with a radial topology, so all models of optimization problems in these distribution systems should consider radiality in their formulation. This work presents a literature review, a ...
Integration of the dispersed generators in the distribution management system
Since the 80s huge efforts have been made to utilize renewable energy sources to generate electric power. An important issue about using renewable energy sources is a Distribution Management System (DMS) in presence of ...
Integration of the dispersed generators in the distribution management system
Since the 80s huge efforts have been made to utilize renewable energy sources to generate electric power. An important issue about using renewable energy sources is a Distribution Management System (DMS) in presence of ...
Imposing Radiality Constraints in Distribution System Optimization Problems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
Optimal allocation of capacitors in radial distribution systems with distributed generation
This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming approach to solving the optimal fixed/switched capacitors allocation (OCA) problem in radial distribution systems with distributed generation. The use of a mixed-integer ...