Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1732
The Innovator - s Prescription
- The Innovator - s Prescription is an important and timely contribution to the national debate on health care system reform. We would do well to consider it carefully. - Tom Daschle.
The Innovator - s Prescription
- The Innovator - s Prescription is an important and timely contribution to the national debate on health care system reform. We would do well to consider it carefully. - Tom Daschle.
Entrepreneurial universities' metamorphosis: encountering technological and emotional disruptions in the Covid-19 era
Entrepreneurial universities (EU) have received much attention over the last few years. Although the well-articulated contributions in the literature, empirical evidence substantiating the EU’s disruptive responses in ...
Do the disruptive business models of energy companies Solarcity, RWE and d.light fit into theoretical disruption models?
This thesis analyses the case studies of disruptive energy companies SolarCity, RWE and d.light to identify whether each of them fit into one of the academic disruption models: ● Disruption from below. This theory maintains ...
Use of disruptive technologies in Peru
(Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2020-09-01)
This paper aims to identify the perceptions of the main stakeholders of IBM about the external communication strategies that have been applied on the potential use of disruptive technologies. A qualitative methodology with ...
Disrupting finance : Fintech and strategy in the 21st century
This second volume in Palgrave Studies in Digital Business & Enabling
Technologies further contributes to multidisciplinary research on digital
business and enabling technologies in Europe by exploring the evolving
domain ...
RFID as a Disruptive Innovation
(Universidad de Talca, 2008)
Supply networks and value creation in high innovation and strong network externalities industry
The rapid developing product and service markets and developments in information technologies have accelerated growth in outsourcing of peripheral activities and critical business as well, enhancing the importance of network ...
Unlocking challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19 pandemic for cross-cutting disruption in agri-food and green deal innovations: Quo Vadis?
-19 pandem
ic is on a trajectory to cause catastrophic global upheaval with the potential to alter
geopolitical and socio
-economic norms. Many countries are frantically responding with staggering financial
stimulus ...