Now showing items 1-10 of 110
Adaptation of the overload function in an electrical system due to entry generation, using of the overcurrent function and automatic generation disconnection: dynamic analysis of a particular case
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-04)
In this work develops the thermal damage curve for 132 kV conductors in transient state with the aim to propose the overload settings implemented in the overcurrent function, because there is the possibility that in ...
Free nilpotent minumim algebras
(Wiley VCH Verlag, 2006-05)
In the present paper we give a description of the free algebra over an arbitrary set of generators in the variety of nilpotent minimum algebras. Such description is given in terms of a weak Boolean product of directly ...
Runoff response of a small agricultural basin in the argentine Pampas considering connectivity aspects
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2020-04)
Our manuscript analyses the surface runoff variability, and its controlling factors in a small basin with gentle slopes, at the headwaters of a flat catchment, to improve the knowledge of the hydrology of plain areas under ...
Tensiones historiográficas en las narrativas del arte contemporáneo: desconexiones entre la historia de las artes electrónicas y el circuito del arte contemporáneo hegemónicoHistoriographical tensions in contemporary art narratives: disconnections between electronic art history and mainstream contemporary art
(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2020-12)
El presente artículo analiza los modos en que la historiografía del arte contemporáneo hegemónico ha discurrido de manera paralela a los devenires de las artes electrónicas, al punto de que las narrativas de la historia ...
Moralidad y argumentos morales: un análisis preliminar de la teoría cognitiva del desarrollo moral, el modelo intuicionista social y la teoría de la desconexión moralMorality and moral arguments: a preliminary analysis of the moral development theory, the moral intuitionism model and the moral disconnection theory
(Universidad Diego Portales, 2015-07)
El presente trabajo forma parte de un estudio sobre los argumentos morales que brindan los adolescentes. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir teorías y modelos sobre la moralidad y la función de la ...
Post-Synthetic Modification of ZIF-8 Crystals and Films through UV Light Photoirradiation: Impact on the Physicochemical Behavior of the MOF
(Wiley VCH Verlag, 2019-09)
The physicochemical modification of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) is a current challenge in the search to improve their performance in different technological applications. In this work we analyze the post-synthetic ...
Diversity of chironomid larvae in a marginal fluvial wetland of the Middle Paraná River floodplain, Argentina
(EDP Sciences, 2006-12)
The diversity of chironomid larvae in relation to flooding and drought phases in a marginal fluvial wetland of the Middle Paraná River floodplain was analyzed. Four sampling stations in the right bank of the Tiradero Viejo ...
Digitalizing Urban Latin America - A New Layer for Persistent Inequalities?Digitalizando la Latinoamerica Urbana – ¿Un nuevo estrato para las desigualdades persistentes?Digitalizando a América Latina Urbana – Um novo estrato para as desigualdades persistentes?
(Universidad Libre de Berlín, 2016-11)
Twenty years after Manuel Castells proclamation of the "Network Society" (1996), digitalization plays an ever-growing role in urban society. The "Smart City", for instance, promises more functional transport systems, access ...
Factoring the brain signatures of anesthesia concentration and level of arousal across individuals
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2015-12)
Combining resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) connectivity and behavioral analysis during sedation, we factored out general effects of the anesthetic drug propofol and a specific index of conscious ...
New insights on epigenetic mechanisms supporting axonal development: Histone marks and miRNAs
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2020-12)
Mechanisms supporting axon growth and the establishment of neuronal polarity have remained largely disconnected from their genetic and epigenetic fundamentals. Recently, post-transcriptional modifications of histones ...