Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Differential galois groups and representation of quivers for seismic models with constant hessian of square of slowness
(Pushpa Publishing House, 2017)
The trajectory of energy is modeled by the solution of the Eikonal
equation, which can be solved by solving a Hamiltonian system. This
system is amenable of treatment from the point of view of the theory
of differential ...
Integrability of stochastic birth-death processes via differential galois theory
(EDP Sciences, 2020)
Stochastic birth-death processes are described as continuous-time Markov processes in
models of population dynamics. A system of in nite, coupled ordinary diferential equations (the so-
called master equation) describes ...
Dynamical and algebraic analysis of planar polynomial vector fields linked to orthogonal polynomials
(Southwest Jiaotong University, 2020-08)
In the present work, our goal is to establish a study of some families of quadratic polynomial vector fields connected to orthogonal polynomials that relate, via two different points of view, the qualitative and the algebraic ...
El aporte algebraico de Galois a la teoría deleuziana de los problemas
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2015-05)
En Diferencia y repetición Deleuze se propone, entre otras cosas, dar nacimiento a una nueva teoría de los problemas. Lo problemático, asociado a otras nociones que le son complementarias como las de Idea y virtual, pasará ...
Galoisian and numerical approach of three dimensional linear differential systems with skew symmetric matrices defined in a non- constant differential field
(Editorial board, 2018-01)
This work contrasts numerical methods with algebraic methods. These methods are applied
to solve a three dimensional linear differential system with skew symmetric matrices
defined in a non- constant differential field. ...
Isomonodromic deformations through differential Galois theory
(Medellín - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - MatemáticasEscuela de matemáticasUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2019-10-13)
The text begins with a brief description of differential Galois theory from a geometrical perspective. Then, parameterized Galois theory is developed by means of prolongation of partial connections to the jet bundles. The ...
Differential Galois theory and non-integrability of planar polynomial vector fields
(Elsevier, 2018-06)
We study a necessary condition for the integrability of the polynomials vector fields in the plane by means of the differential Galois Theory. More concretely, by means of the variational equations around a particular ...
Integrabilidad de sistemas Hamiltonianos lineales no-autónomos a través de teoría de Galois diferencial
Se introduce una noción de integrabilidad para sistemas Hamiltonianos no autónomos y se desarrolla geométricamente la teoría de Galois diferencial para sistemas de ecuaciones lineales. Para el caso de hamiltonianos cuadráticos ...
Variations for Some Painlevé Equations
(SIGMA, 2019)
This paper rst discusses irreducibility of a Painlev e equation P. We explain
how the Painlev e property is helpful for the computation of special classical and algebraic
solutions. As in a paper of Morales-Ruiz we ...
Some tastings in Morales-Ramis theory
(IOP Publishing, 2019)
In this paper we present a short material concerning to some results in Morales-Ramis theory, which relates two different notions of integrability: Integrability of Hamiltonian systems through Liouville Arnold theorem and ...