Now showing items 1-10 of 2151
Designing relational data warehouses through schema-transformation primitives
(UR. FI – INCO., 2001)
A Data Warehouse (DW) is a database that stores information oriented to satisfy decision-making request. It is a database with some particular features concerning the data it contains and its utilisation. The features od ...
Designing relational data warehouses through schema-transformation primitives : prototype
(UR. FI – INCO., 2001)
The logical design of a Data Warehouse (DW) is a task that requires the application of techniques and strategies that are specific of DW context. In [Mar00] we present a mechanism for designing DWs. Based in this mechanism ...
An overview of data warehouse design approaches and tecbniques
(UR. FI – INCO., 2001)
A Data Warehouse (DW) is a database that stores information oriented to satisfy decision-making requests. It ia a database with some particular features concerning the data it contains and its utilisation. The features of ...
A Configurable Strategy for Extraction, Transformation and Load to Support Data Propagation on Active Data Warehouses
(Ieee, 2016-01-01)
This work consists of the construction of a strategy called ETL-PoCon to execute Extraction, Transformation and Load (ETL) processes in active Data Warehouses (DW) with a configurable policy. The original contribution of ...
A configurable strategy for extraction, transformation and load to support data propagation on active data warehouses
This work consists of the construction of a strategy called ETL-PoCon to execute Extraction, Transformation and Load (ETL) processes in active Data Warehouses (DW) with a configurable policy. The original contribution of ...
A family of experiments to validate measures for UML activity diagrams of ETL processes in data warehouses
In data warehousing, Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes are in charge of extracting the data from the data sources that will be contained in the data warehouse. Their design and maintenance is thus a cornerstone ...
Configurable Web Warehouses construction through BPM Systems
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2016)
Utilización de la tecnología data warehouse en instituciones educativasCiencias Computacionales
(ICBI-BD-UAEH, 2013-11-05)