Now showing items 1-10 of 2371
Modern drug discovery technologies: opportunities and challenges in lead discovery
(Bentham ScienceBussum, 2011-12)
The identification of promising hits and the generation of high quality leads are crucial steps in the early stages of drug discovery projects. The definition and assessment of both chemical and biological space have ...
Structure-based drug design to overcome drug resistance: challenges and opportunities
(Bentham ScienceBussum, 2014-02)
Drug resistance is a common concern for the development of novel antiviral, antimicrobial and anticancer therapies. To overcome this problem, several strategies have been developed, many of which involving the theme of ...
Current advances in antitubercular drug discovery: potent prototypes and new targets
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2015)
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by bacterium of the Mycobacterium genus, mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). The World Health Organization aims to substantially reduce the number of cases in the ...
Antimalarial drug discovery: screening of Brazilian medicinal plants and purified compound
(Informa Health Care, 2014)
Advances in drug discovery of new antitubercular multidrug-resistant compounds
Tuberculosis (TB), a disease caused mainly by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is according to the World Health Organization (WHO) the infectious disease responsible for the highest number of deaths worldwide. The ...
Molecular Biology for Anti-Trypanosomatid Drug Discovery and Target Elucidation.
(Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2022)
Emerging strategies on in silico drug development against COVID-19: challenges and opportunities
The importance of coronaviruses as human pathogen has been highlighted by the recent
outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 leading to the search of suitable drugs to overcome respiratory
infections caused by the virus. Due to the lack ...