Now showing items 1-10 of 4055
Wrath in Diane Wakoski's Poetry
(Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 2012)
Posibles implicaciones en torno a la ampliación de la planta de personal de la DIAN
Para responder a la pregunta: ¿Por qué debe ampliarse la planta de carrera en la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales DIAN?
Por todos los planteamientos hechos anteriormente, y desde los referentes teóricos acá ...
The systemic risk of energy markets
(FGV EPGE; Vale, 2012-08)
Apresentação do palestrante Diane Pierret - Université Catholique de Louvain no contexto do evento "The Economics and Econometrics of Commodity Prices". Mais informações em: < ...
Proyecto práctica empresarial DIAN
The Directorate of Taxes and Customs (DIAN) is the special administrative unit of the Colombian state responsible for monitoring and control of the customs regime, which through the decrees and resolutions issued by the ...
Informe práctica profesional DIAN
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Negocios InternacionalesFacultad de Negocios Internacionales, 2023-07-12)
This report presents the results obtained during the business internships carried out at the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN), specifically in collaboration with the Administrative and Financial Division with ...
Práctica empresarial en la DIAN en Negocios Internacionales
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Negocios InternacionalesFacultad de Negocios Internacionales, 2021-09-03)
In this writing, the administrative acts issued by the Colombian customs entity (DIAN) can be observed, which were carried out by the practitioner to define the legal situation regarding the merchandise, specifically the ...