Now showing items 1-10 of 66
First collection of landrace vegetable crops cultivated in Valle Fértil, ArgentinaFirst collection of landrace vegetable crops cultivated in Valle Fértil, Argentina
(Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias., 2012)
Simple Sequence Repeat-Based Genetic Diversity and Analysis of Molecular Variance among on-Farm Native Potato Landraces from the Influence Zone of Camisea Gas Project, Northern Ayacucho, Peru
(Springer, 2020)
The Andean native potato is an important food security crop and constitutes a gene pool for potato-breeding. To establish the current state of the native potatoes diversity in the influence zone of the Camisea Gas Project, ...
Conservation and Use of Latin American Maize Diversity: Pillar of Nutrition Security and Cultural Heritage of Humanity
(MDPISuiza, 2021-01-15)
Latin America is the center of domestication and diversity of maize, the second most cultivated crop worldwide. In this region, maize landraces are fundamental for food security, livelihoods, and culture. Nevertheless, ...
Are cytological parameters of maize landraces (Zea mays ssp. mays) adapted along an altitudinal cline?
(Springer Tokyo, 2018-03)
The Northwestern Argentina (NWA) highland region is one of the southernmost areas of native maize cultivation. We studied variations of different cytological parameters, such as DNA contents, presence/absence of B chromosomes ...
Evidence of genetic diversity within Solanum Lycopersicum L. ‘Platense’ landrace and identification of various subpopulations
(Springer Nature, 2020-06-14)
Local varieties and landraces are traditional crops that have evolved over time through adaptation to their natural and cultural environment. They are presently regarded as a valuable genetic reservoir, given that most of ...