Now showing items 1-10 of 63565
J.R.R. Tolkien’s sub-creation theory: literary creativity as participation in the divine creation
J.R.R. Tolkien is recognized as one of the great literary creators of fantastic worlds. The English author added to his literary work a reflection on the role of the fantasy writer in his theory of sub-creation. This ...
La création
(Revista Mensaje, 2018)
The flow of emotions in co-creation
Co-creation is a broadly used practise among service designers, as a workshop is an
effective way to build new solutions or improvements together. The focus of this article is on the emotions arising before and during the ...
Influence of the technological innovation degree on knowledge creation: Evidence from a Brazilian firm
The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of knowledge creation when developing high technology products in projects having various innovation degrees. The main contribution to the literature is the systematization ...
La dynamique de la déférence: création et évolution des modèles auto-restrictives de contrôle juridictionnel dans le droit comparé
Cet article examine la création et l’évolution des modèles déférentiels de contrôle dans quatre systèmes juridiques (France, Italie, Etats-Unis et Canada). Cette perspective historique servira à démontrer (i) que la position ...
Pret??rito presente: apontamentos sobre a fun????o criadora da mem??ria na dramaturgia
(Escola de TeatroPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Artes C??nicasUFBAbrasil, 2018-08-24)
Lessons learned about co-creation: developing a complex intervention in rural Peru
(Taylor and Francis, 2020)
Background: Co-creation is the process of involving stakeholders in the development of interventions. Although co-creation is becoming more widespread, reports of the process and lessons learned are scarce. Objective: To ...
An analysis of embeddedness in the value creation in interorganisational networks: an illustrative example in Brazil
The purpose of this article is to propose a methodological approach to analyse how the positioning of actors in an interorganisational network can influence the elements of value creation. This study fills a gap in the ...