Now showing items 1-10 of 42
Corneal endothelium of the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) by scanning electron microscopy
The corneal endothelium is essential for the maintenance of the corneal transparency. The aim of this study was to examine the morphology of the endothelial surface and perform morphometric analysis of the normal corneal ...
Adult white New Zealand rabbit as suitable model for corneal endothelial engineering
(Springer Open, 2016)
Morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelium of Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) using scanning electron microscopy
(Blackwell Publishing, 2004-05-01)
The objective of this study was to examine the endothelial surface morphology and to perform morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelial cells of Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) using scanning electron microscopy. ...
Densidade das células do endotélio corneano em olhos de cães à microscopia especular
The aim of this study was to examine the endothelial surface and to perform a morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelial cells in normal eyes of dogs using specular microscopy. Morphometric analysis with regard mean ...
Mitomycin C toxicity in rabbit corneal endotheliumToxicidade da mitomicina C ao endotélio da córnea de coelhos
Purpose: To evaluate corneal endothelium alterations after applying mitomycin C to the sclera using transmission and scanning electron microscopy, correlating alterations with time, concentration, and evaluation methods. ...
Corneal endothelial cell morphology of normal dogs in different ages
(Blackwell Publishing, 2006-03-01)
Endothelial cell function is essential to maintain corneal transparency, but unfortunately the regenerative capacity of the endothelium is limited. There are only a few reports describing the effect of age on morphologic ...
Effects of intracameral ascorbic acid on the corneal endothelium of dogs undergoing phacoemulsification
Objective: Cataracts are the most common ocular disorder in dogs. Phacoemulsification is the preferred treatment method among ophthalmologists, but the cellularity of the endothelium must be considered for its success, as ...
Scanning electron microscopy of the corneal endothelium of ostrich
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), 2009-06-01)
Objetivou-se examinar a superfície posterior do endotélio corneano e realizar análise morfométrica das células endoteliais da córnea de avestruz (Struthio camelus) valendo-se da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. ...
Use of specular microscopy to determine corneal endothelial cell morphology and morphometry in enucleated cat eyes
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010-07-01)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of age on endothelial morphology and morphometry in cats. The corneal endothelium was studied using a contact specular microscope. A total of 18 cats (Felis catus ...
Morphological analysis of the corneal endothelium in eyes of dogs using specular microscopy
(Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA, 2008-09-01)
Foram estudados 20 olhos de 10 cães sem raça definida, machos e fêmeas com 6 anos de idade. A morfologia das células do endotélio da córnea foi analisada utilizando-se microscópio especular de contato. Foram estudadas as ...