Now showing items 1-10 of 351
Anatomical Variant in Middle Turbinate: Concha Bullosa, Finding on Cone Beam Computerized Tomography
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
The nasal turbinates, also called nasal shells, are attached to the lateral and/or superior walls of the nostril and can present several anatomical variations. Thus, we can mention the concha bullosa, the ...
Variability Inter-observer between Three Methods of Electrocardiographic (Conventional, Computerized and Computerized Printed) on Healthy Cats
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2020)
A Machine Learning Approach to Personalize Computerized Cognitive Training Interventions
(Frontiers Media, 2022-03)
Executive functions are a class of cognitive processes critical for purposeful goal-directed behavior. Cognitive training is the adequate stimulation of executive functions and has been extensively studied and applied for ...
Computerized quiz and the timing of response, a way for the accuracy in determining the achievement of a mathematical knowledgeTEST INFORMATIZADOS Y EL REGISTRO DEL TIEMPO DE RESPUESTA, UNA VIA PARA LA PRECISION EN LA DETERMINACION DEL NIVEL DE LOGRO DE UN SABER MATEMATICO
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
El XSLT como herramienta para el diseño de sistemas lexicográficos informatizados: aplicación a adjetivos de un léxico meta
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2005)
Educational software designDiseño de software educativo
(Sello Editorial Unicomfacauca, 2007)