Now showing items 1-10 of 304
Improving University Quality of Services through Mobile Devices: The Case of the Technological University of Panama
Society evolves at a rapid pace, integrates the latest everydays life technologies and squeezes the benefits of innovation. At the same time, universities follow these same steps, creating great possibilities by providing ...
Modeling and simulation framework for quality estimation of web applications through architecture evaluation
(Springer, 2020-02-10)
The explosive growth of the cloud computing industry in recent years has paying attention to problems related to software services quality. Given that quality models serve as frameworks for quality evaluation, this paper ...
Application of the user - centered design in a university course of human – computer interaction for students of Computer EngineeringAplicación del diseño centrado en el usuario en curso universitario de interacción humano computadora para estudiantes de ingeniería en computación
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Faculdad de Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Maestría en Procesos Educativos Mediados por Tecnología, 2019)
A feasibility study of a complete low-cost consumer-grade brain-computer interface system
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020-03)
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are technologies that provide the user with an alternative way of communication. A BCI measures brain activity (e.g. EEG) and converts it into output commands. Motor imagery (MI), the mental ...
Towards the extension of the GRAY WATCH method based on the quality standard ISO/IEC 25010Hacia la extensión del método GRAY WATCH basado en el estándar de calidad ISO/IEC 25010
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2012)
Métricas en la evaluación de la calidad del software: una revisión conceptualMetrics in the evaluation of software quality: an overview
(Corporación Universidad de la CostaBarranquilla, 2022)
Learning English through CALL software: A Comparative AnalysisSoftware ELAO para Aprender Inglés: un Análisis Comparativo
(Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2021)
Agile testing practices in software quality: State of the art review
(Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2018)
Evolving from xSonify: a new digital platform for sonorization
(EDP Sciences, 2019)
In general, Space Sciences data exploration is thought to be suitable for people who do not have Neurological Disorders (ND) that may impair reading (RI), and are not blind or visually impaired (BVI). Data exploration ...
Use of sockets in computing: A Systematic Review of the literature: Systematic Literature Review: Use of Sockets in Computer Science.Uso de sockets en la informática: Una Revisión Sistemática de la literatura: Revisión Sistemática de la literatura: Uso de Sockets en la Informática.
(Editorial de la Universidad Tecnica del Norte, 2021)