Now showing items 1-10 of 6028
Application of image analysis for classification of ripening bananas
(WILEY, 2004)
A computer vision system was implemented to identify the ripening stages of bananas based on color, development of brown spots, and image texture information. Nine simple features of appearance (L* a*, b* values; brown ...
Automated classification system of giant white corn using image processing and supervised techniques
(International Society for Computers and Their ApplicationsUS, 2018)
Nowadays, the use of artificial vision for classification in agricultural products has proven to have a great impact on this field. The exportation of agricultural goods has risen all over the world, consequently, that is ...
Automatic leaf structure biometry: computer vision techniques and their applications in plant taxonomy
(World Scientific PublishingSingapore, 2009)
This paper proposes a new methodology to extract biometric features of plant leaf
structures. Combining computer vision techniques and plant taxonomy protocols, these
methods are capable of identifying plant species. The ...
Biomedical computer vision using computer algebra: Analysis of a case of rhinocerebral mucormycosis in a diabetic boy
(Springer Science + Business Media, 2010-01-01)
Computer algebra is applied to biomedical computer vision. Specifically certain biomedical images resulting from a case of rhinocerebral mucormysocis in a diabetic boy are analyzed using techniques in computational geometry ...
Adaptative techniques for the human faces detection
This paper presents results from an efficient approach to an automatic detection and extraction of human faces from images with any color, texture or objects in background, that consist in find isosceles triangles formed ...