Now showing items 1-10 of 2966
(Independent Univ MoscowMoscowFederação da Rússia, 2011)
Equivalence of Convex Problem Geometry and Computational Complexity in the Separation Oracle Model
(INFORMS, 2009)
Consider the supposedly simple problem of computing a point in a convex set that is conveyed by a separation oracle with no further information (e. g., no domain ball containing or intersecting the set, etc.). The authors' ...
Aplicações dos números complexos à geometria analítica plana
(Mestrado Profissional em MatemáticaUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2019)
Lagrangian Grassmannian in infinite dimension
(Elsevier Science, 2009-03)
Given a complex structure J on a real (finite or infinite dimensional) Hilbert space H, we study the geometry of the Lagrangian Grassmannian Λ (H) of H, i.e. the set of closed linear subspaces L ⊂ H such that J (L) = L⊥. ...
Charged and Electromagnetic Fields form Relativistic Quantum Geometry
(MDPI AG, 2016-06)
In the recently introduced Relativistic Quantum Geometry (RQG) formalism, the possibility was explored that the variation of the tensor metric can be done in a Weylian integrable manifold using a geometric displacement, ...
Exponential families, Kähler geometry and quantum mechanics
(Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2013)
Exponential families are a particular class of statistical manifolds which are particularly important in statistical inference, and which appear very frequently in statistics. For example, the set of normal distributions, ...