Now showing items 1-10 of 7811
Promoting Competition: European Union and the Global Competition Order
(Wiley, 2012)
Global developments such as economic interdependence and the proliferation of national and regional competition regimes have created a complex international competition policy environment. The European Commission's DG ...
Promoting Competition: European Union and the Global Competition Order
Global developments such as economic interdependence and the proliferation of national and regional competition regimes have created a complex international competition policy environment. The European Commission's DG ...
The Challenges and Trajectories of EU Competition Policy in the Twenty-first Century
Sixty years have now passed since the signing of the Treaty of Paris establishing the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, and during that period competition policy has become firmly anchored as one of the key pillars ...
Industrial Policy as Innovation Policy: notes on technological gap, policies, resources and innovative activities in Brazil
(Univ Estadual Campinas, Inst Geociencias, Dept Politica Cientifica & Tecn, 2015-07-01)
This paper deals with a central dimension of industrial policies in modern, globalized, economies, namely innovation policy. From an evolutionary approach it points out the relationship between technology gaps and ...
Public policies and competitiveness in the pharmaceutical industry: The case of Brazil and India
This study aims to evaluate how public policies adopted by Brazil and India in past decades have influenced the development of the pharmaceutical industry in these countries. The industry performance is measured by ...
Policies for competitiveness
The progress made by the countries of the region in their stabilization processes has led policy-makers and entrepreneurs to pay increasing attention to the competitiveness of production activities and the factors and ...
The new Brazilian automotive policy and its impact on the competitiveness of multinational automobile and auto parts manufacturers
To enhance the competitiveness of the Brazilian automotive industry, the government approved a new automotive policy in October 2012. It is called the Inovar-Auto program and will be implemented over the course of five ...
Intellectual property and competition as complementary policies: a test using an ordered probit model
Este Artigo Testa a Proposição da Teoria Econômica de que Propriedade Intelectual e Defesa da Concorrência são Políticas Complementares. um Modelo Probit Ordenado é Utilizado para Estimar os Efeitos Marginais do Uso e ...
Seminario Osiptel-FCC
(Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones, 2000-03-14)
Revolving door policy (switching to the private sector): Limited, staff are not allowed to work for a telecom operator after one year of quitting from the job (Presidential order).