Now showing items 1-10 of 69
Enhancing Avifauna in Commercial Plantations
The occurrence of fauna in commercial plantations is often associated with structural complexity.
Through ameta-analysis, we tested whether the structural complexity of plantations could enhance bird species
assemblages ...
Rewilding clearcuts: shrub vegetation as a facilitator of movement of a forest specialist
(Springer, 2020)
Replacement of native forests by exotic monoculture plantations is the principal driver of land change in central Chile; it reduces the richness and abundance of native mammals. The presence of shrub vegetation in mature ...
Enhancing avifauna in commercial plantations: Research note
The occurrence of fauna in commercial plantations is often associated with structural complexity. Through a meta-analysis, we tested whether the structural complexity of plantations could enhance bird species assemblages ...
Effect of land use history on biodiversity of pine plantations
(Frontiers Media, 2021)
The growing replacement of native vegetation by forest plantations is considered a global threat to biodiversity. Significant variation in biotic communities among stands with similar management suggests that previous land ...
Agroforestry systems as habitat for herpetofauna: Is there supporting evidence?
The need to carry out biological conservation outside protected areas requires avoiding, minimizing or mitigating impacts brought about by habitat transformation upon the biota. Usually, forest plantations hold fewer species ...
Insectivory in Pinus radiata plantations with different degree of structural complexity
Increasing evidence suggests that, depending on the structural complexity of a plantation, it can act as complementary habitat for insectivore birds and mammals. The magnitude of interactions such as insectivory, in turn, ...
Foraging activity by bats in a fragmented landscape dominated by exotic pine plantations in central chile
We assessed foraging activity of insectivorous bats in a fragmented landscape of central Chile including native temperate forest, forest fragments, commercial pine plantations and local human settlements. Overall bat ...
Conservation strategies for biodiversity and indigenous people in Chilean forest ecosystems
(Taylor & Francis, 2001)
The distribution
Chilean temperate forests
been greatly disrupted
activities, mainly through logging, land clearing
native ...
Conservation opportunities in commercial plantations: The case of mammals
Enhancing the structural complexity of commercial plantations could enrich the presence of mammals within them. We tested this hypothesis through a meta-analysis in order to determine whether more complex plantations, with ...
Natural forests loss and tree plantations: large-scale tree cover loss differentiation in a threatened biodiversity hotspot
(IOP Publishing, 2020)
Distinguishing between natural forests from exotic tree plantations is essential to get an accurate picture of the world's state of forests. Most exotic tree plantations support lower levels of biodiversity and have less ...