Now showing items 1-10 of 40
Combining simulation and reality in evolutionary robotics
Evolutionary Robotics (ER) is a promising methodology, intended for the autonomous development of robots, in which their behaviors are obtained as a consequence of the structural coupling between robot and environment. It ...
Live Robot Programming: The language, its implementation, and robot API independence
(Elsevier, 2017)
Typically, development of robot behavior entails writing the code, deploying it on a simulator or robot and running it in a test setting. If this feedback reveals errors, the programmer mentally needs to map the error in ...
Algoritmo estocástico para la generación automática de trayectorias de un robot humanoideStochastic algorithm for automatic path planning of a humanoid robot
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2019)
What does the literature say about using robots on children with disabilities?
(Taylor and Francis Ltd.Reino Unido, 2017)
The purpose of this study is to examine the extent and type of robots used for the rehabilitation and education of children and young people with CP and ASD and the associated outcomes.
Bio-inspired navigation and exploration system for a hexapod robotic platform
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2022-05-16)
This paper presents a biologically inspired system for guiding and controlling a virtual hexapod robot.
Our navigation and exploration system is composed of subsystems that execute processes of path
integration, action ...
Generalización de las trayectorias de un brazo robótico utilizando primitivas de movimiento dinámico y regresión de procesos gaussianos.
(Fondo Editorial EIA - Universidad EIA, 2018-04-30)
Es común encontrar robots realizando tareas en áreas compartidas con humanos, donde se espera que sean capaces de aprender de las acciones realizadas por otros y de adaptarse a nuevas situaciones. En este trabajo, se ...
Multimodal Human–Robot Interaction for Walker-Assisted Gait
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Estados Unidos, 2016)
Human mobility is affected by different types of pathologies and also decreases gradually with age. In this context, Smart Walkers may offer important benefits for human assisted-gait in rehabilitation and functional ...
Cognición de grupo y cognición de enjambre en la solución del problema del agente viajeroGroup cognition and swarm cognition in solving the traveling salesman problem
(Universidad de San Buenaventura - CaliDocumento USBDocumentos USBCali, 2017)
Evaluation of biomechanical gait parameters of patients with Cerebral Palsy at three different levels of gait assistance using the CPWalker
(BioMed Central LtdEstados Unidos, 2019)
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common cause of permanent serious physical disability in childhood. Although many platforms have been developed, so far there are still not precise guidelines for the rehabilitation of the ...