Now showing items 1-10 of 302
A fast microwave-assisted, acid-vapor, steam-cleaning procedure for autosampler cups
(Elsevier B.V., 1998-05-29)
A new and fast procedure is proposed for cleaning autosampler cups using acid-vapor steam-cleaning with a miniaturized assembly in a microwave-heated sealed Teflon vessel. A glass cactus-shaped holder was made to support ...
Towards the Grade’s Prediction. A Study of Different Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Grades from Student Interaction Data
There is currently an open problem within the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to the educational field, which is the prediction of students’ grades. This problem aims to predict early school failure and dropout, ...
A fast microwave-assisted, acid-vapor, steam-cleaning procedure for autosampler cups
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Análise comparativa de controladores para redes definidas por software de Classe Carrier Grade
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação, 2017)
Vibration of cracked functionally graded microplates by the strain gradient theory and extended isogeometric analysis
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
In this study, the vibration behaviours of functionally graded microplates with cracks are investigated by means of a simple yet rigorous version of Mindlin's generialised continuum and the extended isogeometric analysis ...
Análisis de la contaminación producida en la limpieza de láminas metálicas aplicando plasma frío a baja presión
This memory present a friendly alternative environment to cleaning metal sheets that usually it´s performed with pickling baths, where it was decided to use a cold low pressure plasma for cleaning of this, the sheets were ...
Protein- and polysaccharide-based particles used for Pickering emulsion stabilisation
A few protein- and polysaccharide-based particles can function as effective stabilisers in multi-phase food systems. Combining both polymer-based particles and tailoring the wettability of colloidal systems result in ...