Now showing items 1-10 of 33
Numerical simulations study of a spin-1 Blume-Emery-Griffiths model on a square lattice
(IOP Publishing, 2019-03-18)
We use the Monte Carlo simulation technique to study the critical behavior of a three-state spin model, with bilinear and biquadratic nearest-neighbor interactions, known as the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model (BEG), in a ...
Histogram-based methodology for the determination of the critical point in condensation-evaporation systems
(IOP Publishing, 2017-07-28)
A methodology based on a combination of the histogram reweighting technique and the fourth order Binder cumulant was developed to determine the critical point in generalized condensation-evaporation systems. This methodology ...
Inverse percolation by removing straight rigid rods from square lattices
(Iop Publishing, 2015)
Statistical thermodynamics of straight rigid rods with non-additive lateral interactions: Theory and Monte Carlo simulations
(American Physical Society, 2011-12)
The statistical thermodynamics of straight rigid rods of length k (k-mers) with nonadditive lateral interactions was developed on a generalization in the spirit of the lattice-gas model and the classical Bragg-Williams ...
Adsorption thermodynamics of two-domain antifreeze proteins: Theory and Monte Carlo simulations
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016-08)
In this paper we develop the statistical thermodynamics of two-domain antifreeze proteins adsorbed on ice. We use a coarse-grained model and a lattice network in order to represent the protein and ice, respectively. The ...
Numerical integration of KPZ equation with restrictions
(IOP Publishing, 2018-03)
In this paper, we introduce a novel integration method of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. It is known that if during the discrete integration of the KPZ equation the nearest-neighbor height-difference exceeds a critical ...
New Isotherm for Multisite Occupancy Adsorption of Long, Straight Rigid Rods
(American Chemical Society, 2011-03-03)
The adsorption of long, straight rigid rods of length k (k-mers) on 2D lattices is described by using a new theoretical approach based on a generalization of the classical Guggenheim−DiMarzio approximation. In this scheme, ...
Nonequilibrium critical behavior of magnetic thin films grown in a temperature gradient
(IOP Publishing, 2012-08)
We investigate the irreversible growth of (2+1)-dimensional magnetic thin films under the influence of a transverse temperature gradient, which is maintained by thermal baths across a direction perpendicular to the direction ...
Nonconvergence of the Wang-Landau algorithms with multiple random walkers
(American Physical Society, 2016-05)
This paper discusses some convergence properties in the entropic sampling Monte Carlo methods with multiple random walkers, particularly in the Wang-Landau (WL) and 1/t algorithms. The classical algorithms are modified by ...
Monte Carlo study on the detection of classical order by disorder in real antiferromagnetic Ising pyrochlores
(American Physical Society, 2019-11-04)
We use Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the feasibility of detecting thermal order by disorder in real antiferromagnetic Ising pyrochlores, frustrated by a magnetic field applied in the [110] direction. Building on an ...