Now showing items 1-10 of 2841
Evolving child and adolescent mental health and development programs in Chile
This analysis reviews the situation of child and adolescent mental health in Chile, organizational determinants,
and the initiatives and interventions implemented to enhance child development despite the country’s
inequities. ...
O programa de saúde bucal para crianças pré-escolares em Araraquara-SP-O desempenho em 1988.
This paper reports the composition change of the dmf-teeth index, outcome from dental health program for the 3 to 6 year old pre-school children population, enrolled in kindergartens in Araraquara-SP, in 1988. The program ...
O programa de saúde bucal para crianças pré-escolares em Araraquara-SP-O desempenho em 1988.
This paper reports the composition change of the dmf-teeth index, outcome from dental health program for the 3 to 6 year old pre-school children population, enrolled in kindergartens in Araraquara-SP, in 1988. The program ...
Remaining missed opportunities of child survival in Peru: modelling mortality impact of universal and equitable coverage of proven interventions
(BioMed Central, 2016)
BACKGROUND: Peru has made great improvements in reducing stunting and child mortality in the past decade, and has reached the Millennium Development Goals 1 and 4. The remaining challenges or missed opportunities for child ...
Countdown to 2015 country case studies: systematic tools to address the "black box" of health systems and policy assessment
(BioMed Central, 2016)
BACKGROUND: Evaluating health systems and policy (HSP) change and implementation is critical in understanding reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) progress within and across countries. Whilst data for ...
Improving dental service utilization rate using a proactive telephone-based scheduling strategy in primary healthcare
(Association of Support to Oral Health Research (APESB), 2020)
Fever in children: parents' search for urgent and emergency services
(Abrasco-assoc Brasileira Pos-graduacao & Saude Coletiva, 2021-02-01)
The study analyses the understanding of parents or guardians of children aged zero to five years old about fever, the conduct and care for this condition, carried out in the urgent and emergency service. The qualitative ...