Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Feeding strategies alter gene expression of the calpain system and meat quality in the longissimus muscle of Braford steers
(Asian-australasian Assoc Animal Production Soc, 2019-08)
Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of supplementing pasture-finished steers with corn silage on the expression level of the calpain system proteins and beef tenderization. Methods: Thirty ...
Feeding strategies and ageing time alter calpain system proteins activities and meat quality of Braford steers
(Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, 2022)
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ageing and feeding strategies
on the calpain protease system and meat quality traits in Braford steers.
Methods: Thirty Braford steers were employed; 15 ...
Feeding strategies alter gene expression of the calpain system and meat quality in the longissimus muscle of Braford steers
(Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP), 2019-08-03)
Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of supplementing pasture-finished steers with corn silage on the expression level of the calpain system proteins and beef tenderization.
Methods: Thirty ...
Modelado Molecular de Péptidos que Contienen Secuencias Repetitivas (FRA) de la Proteína Calpain Cisteín Peptidasa Putativa de Trypanosoma Cruzi
(Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2007-12)
Se presentan predicciones de estructura secundaria, antigenicidad y modelos tridimensionales para 1, 2 y 6 repeticiones de 68 aminoácidos del péptido FRA de Trypanosoma cruzi. Los modelos tridimensionales fueron obtenidos ...
Ceramide Induces the Death of Retina Photoreceptors Through Activation of Parthanatos
(Springer, 2019-07)
Ceramide (Cer) has a key role inducing cell death and has been proposed as a messenger in photoreceptor cell death in the retina. Here, we explored the pathways induced by C2-acetylsphingosine (C2-Cer), a cell-permeable ...
TRPC6 Binds to and activates calpain, independent of its channel activity, and regulates podocyte cytoskeleton, cell adhesion, and motility
(Synthesis-Stuttgart, 2019-10)
Background Mutations in the transient receptor potential channel 6 (TRPC6) gene are associated with an inherited form of FSGS. Despite widespread expression, patients with TRPC6 mutations do not present with any other ...
BDA-410 Treatment Reduces Body Weight and Fat Content by Enhancing Lipolysis in Sedentary Senescent Mice
(Gerontological Soc Amer, 2017-08)
Loss of muscle mass and force with age leads to fall risk, mobility impairment, and reduced quality of life. This article shows that BDA-410, a calpain inhibitor, induced loss of body weight and fat but not lean mass or ...
Lysosomal permeabilization and endoplasmic reticulum stress mediate the apoptotic response induced after photoactivation of a lipophilic zinc(II) phthalocyanine
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-10)
We have previously reported that the phototoxic action of the lipophilic phthalocyanine Pc9 (2,9(10),16(17),23(24) tetrakis[(2-dimethylamino)ethylsulfanyl]phthalocyaninatozinc(II)) encapsulated into poloxamine micelles is ...
Impaired SIRT3 activity mediates cardiac dysfunction in endotoxemia by calpain-dependent disruption of ATP synthesis
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-08)
Background: Sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy contributes to the high mortality of septic shock in critically ill patients. Since the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood, we hypothesized that sepsis-induced ...
Calpain System in meat tenderization: A molecular approachEl sistema calpaína en el proceso de tenderización de la carne: una aproximación molecular
(Universidad de Córdoba, 2018-01)
Tenderness is considered the most important meat quality trait regarding its eating quality. Post mortem meat tenderization is primarily the result of calpain mediated degradation of key proteins within muscles fibers. The ...