Now showing items 1-10 of 1094
Perceptions and use of native forests in the Arid Chaco of Córdoba, Argentina
(University of Hawaii Press, 2014-11)
The human population in the arid Chaco forests of Argentina is composed mainly of stockmen carrying out ancestral practices. Plant uses in this biogeographic region are relatively well known, but the forest perception by ...
Rethink roads through the Chaco Serrano forest
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2021-12)
Despite global initiatives to protect ecosystems (1), human development continues to threaten the environment. In central Argentina, the subtropical dry Chaco Serrano forest has lost 94% of its original area (2) to the ...
Litterfall and organic matter decomposition in a seasonal forest of the eastern Chaco (Argentina)
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2001)
El Chaco Oriental y sus fisonomías vegetalesThe Eastern Chaco and its vegetable physiognomies
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades, 2006-05-16)
Teniendo en cuenta sus características climáticas y ecológicas el Chaco puede dividirse, a grandes rasgos, en tres grandes ambientes o regiones naturales: el Chaco Oriental o Húmedo, el Chaco Central o de Transición y el ...
Assessing the effectiveness of a land zoning policy in the Dry Chaco: The Case of Santiago del Estero, Argentina
(Pergamon, 2018-01)
Land use zoning has been proposed as an instrument to steer sustainable land use and reduce deforestation. Its effectiveness is a growing concern among researchers and decision makers. Nowadays, the dry forests of the ...
Changes in forest structure and tree recruitment in Argentinean Chaco: Effects of fragment size and landscape forest cover
(Elsevier Science, 2013-05)
Subtropical Argentinean Chaco forests have been severely deforested and fragmented due to agriculture during the last six decades. The most affected forests are located in areas that are most favorable for crops. This ...
Enrichment planting in lines on exploited forest of humid ChacoEnriquecimiento forestal en fajas en un bosque explotado del Chaco húmedo
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2017)
Temporal changes in forest contexts at multiple extents: Three decades of fragmentation in the Gran Chaco (1979-2010), Central Argentina
(Public Library of Science, 2015-12)
The context in which a forest exists strongly influences its function and sustainability. Unveiling the multi-scale nature of forest fragmentation context is crucial to understand how human activities affect the spatial ...