Now showing items 1-10 of 414
Classification of wooden housing building systems
Wooden housing is one of the most sustainable building alternatives. In many European and North American countries, wooden houses provide the most common, economical, and practical solution for construction. The timber ...
Dimensionamento de uma ponte de madeira para regiões rurais
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil, 2013-09-30)
This dissertation presents a study of standard guidelines and the design of a wooden bridge superstructure. Treatment methods are analyzed and also the choice of wood species with adequate resistance to building bridges. ...
"Our Boys" - 1st T.M.C. 18th October 1915-16
(Unknown, 2011-03-10)
The postcard bears a drawing of a soldier outside a Y.M.C.A (Young Men's Chrisitian Association) Shelter during World War I. This postcard is postmarked 1916.
East Coast, Trinidad
A small group of people gathered next to a wooden structure situated among many coconut trees.
Mount S. Benedict, Trinidad, B.W.I. : Cloister
Photograph of Mount St. Benedict monastery in Trinidad and Tobago. No. 6.
Mount S. Benedict, Trinidad, B.W.I. : Cloister
Photograph of cloister at Mount St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago. No. 6.
Estudo e adequação dos principais elementos do modelo canadense de construção em wood frame para o Brasil
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato Branco, 2014-12-04)
This work introduce a study of the main elements of Canadian wood frame construction system, to further assess which of these are interesting to use in Brazil and which require adaptation. The research is characterized as ...
Arquitetura habitacional em madeira: comparação entre os sistemas construtivos utilizados em Curitiba, Brasil e Auckland, Nova Zelândia
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilCurso de Especialização em Construções SustentáveisUTFPR, 2015-11-07)
In Brazil, the most widely used constructive system is still the masonry, built from diffrent types of materials such as brick, block, stone, among others. The buildings constructed in Curitiba for example, using conventional ...
Conceito BIM como estratégia de incremento da vida útil de projeto em edificações em madeira
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Engenharia Digital e Tecnologia BIMUTFPR, 2019-10-05)
One of the most controversial arguments aginst use of wood in construction of diffrent types of buildings is durability. Benevente in 1993 already understood that the problems related to durability of wooden buildings were ...
Wooden residential buildings - A sustainable approach
Both round and handle produced (sawn or rough-hewn), timber constitutes one of the oldest building raw materials. Wood can be engineered to produce structural beams and boards. Today, wooden housing is the most valuable ...