Now showing items 1-10 of 295
Bothrops jararacussu (Jararacussu). Diet.
Microvessel damage by B-jararacussu snake venom: pathogenesis and influence on muscle regeneration
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2005)
Co-60 gamma irradiation prevents Bothrops jararacussu venom neurotoxicity and myotoxicity in isolated mouse neuromuscular junction
(Elsevier B.V., 2002-08-01)
The ability of gamma radiation from Co-60 (2000 Gy) to attenuate the toxic effects of Bothrops jararacussu venom was investigated on mouse neuromuscular preparations in vitro. A comparative study between the effects of ...
Activity of silver nanoparticles on prokaryotic cells and Bothrops jararacussu snake venom
Nanoparticle-conjugated venom-toxins of venomous animals and its therapeutic efficacy against emerging or neglecting diseases is a promising strategy. In this study, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs ∼50 nm, 0.081 mg mL−1) were ...
Acute local nerve lesions induced by Bothrops jararacussu snake venom
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2002)
A Catalytically Inactive Lys49 PLA2 Isoform from Bothrops jararacussu venom that Stimulates Insulin Secretion in Pancreatic Beta Cells
(Bentham Science Publ Ltd, 2011-11-01)
A new secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) isoform from Bothrops jararacussu venom (BjVIII) has been characterized by causing platelet aggregation, an absent activity in BthTx-I, Prtx-I and PrTx-II sPLA2s. According to our ...
Insights into the loss of muscle mass following B. jararacussu venom in mice
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2004)
Treatment with an anti-inflammatory drug is detrimental for muscle regeneration at Bothrops jararacussu envenoming: An experimental study
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2009)
Purification, characterization and crystallization of Jararacussin-I, a fibrinogen-clotting enzyme isolated from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu
(Elsevier B.V., 2002-09-01)
A fibrinogen-clotting enzyme, Jararacussin-I, was purified from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu by a combination of ion exchange chromatography using Resource 15S resin and affinity chromatography using Benzamidine ...
Can anti-bothropstoxin-I antibodies discriminate between Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops jararacussu venoms?
Snakes of the genus Bothrops, popularly known as pit vipers, are responsible for most cases of snakebite in Brazil. Within this genus, Bothrops jararacussu ...