Now showing items 1-10 of 76
Attribute charts for monitoring the mean vector of bivariate processes
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2015-06-01)
This article proposes two Shewhart charts, denoted np(xy) and np(w) charts, which use attribute inspection to control the mean vector ((x); (y)) of bivariate processes. The units of the sample are classified as first-class, ...
Attribute charts for monitoring the mean vector of bivariate processes
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)
Attribute charts for monitoring the mean vector of bivariate processes
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)
The Shewhart attribute chart with alternated charting statistics to monitor bivariate and trivariate mean vectors
In this article, we combined the Alternated Charting Statistic (ACS) scheme with the traditional attribute np chart to control mean vectors of bivariate and trivariate normal processes. With the bivariate ACS scheme in use ...
Monitoring the covariance matrix of bivariate processes with the DVMAX control charts
Two versions of Phase II attribute+variable (DVMAX) control charts are investigated for monitoring the covariance matrix (Formula presented.) of bivariate processes. Monitoring always starts with an attribute chart employing ...
Comparing two spatial variables with the probability of agreement
Computing the agree ment betwee n 2 con tinuous sequences is of grea t interest in statistics when comparing 2 instruments or one instrument with a gold standard. The probability of agree ment quantifies the similarity ...
Maximum likelihood estimation for a bivariate Gaussian process under fixed domain asymptotics
(Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2018)
Linear mixed models for skew-normal/independent bivariate responses with an application to periodontal disease
(John Wiley & Sons LtdChichesterInglaterra, 2010)
Algunas cartas de control bivariadas para atributos/ Some bivariate control charts for atributes.
Muchos procesos industriales son de naturaleza multivariada dado que la calidad de un producto depende de más de una variable. El control multivariado de procesos captura la relación en las variables asociadas al proceso, ...
Gráfico de controle de VMAX para o monitoramento da matriz de covariâncias
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção, 2008-01-01)
Neste artigo é proposto, para o monitoramento de processos normais bivariados, um gráfico de controle baseado nas variâncias amostrais de duas características de qualidade. Os pontos plotados no gráfico correspondem ao ...